music in the park, psychedelic furs

It no doubt ranks as one of South County’s

hidden treasures

–  a quiet, welcoming place of refuge where anyone can come to
read, study, meditate, or just have a thoughtful conversation about
faith and the meaning of life.  It is Gilroy’s Christian Science
Reading Room.
It no doubt ranks as one of South County’s “hidden treasures” –  a quiet, welcoming place of refuge where anyone can come to read, study, meditate, or just have a thoughtful conversation about faith and the meaning of life.  It is Gilroy’s Christian Science Reading Room.

This community resource is located in the foyer of the First Church of Christ, Scientist at 283 W. Fifth St.  It is one of hundreds of similar facilities around the world that are sponsored by the local Christian Science Church.  Often they are located apart from a church building, such as at San Francisco International Airport or on Lincoln Avenue in San Jose’s Willow Glen District.

These reading rooms are like mini libraries that are offered as an outreach to the communities where they are located.  They are available for research on topics such as the life, ministry and teachings of Jesus Christ.

During the reading room’s open hours (noon-3pm Sundays and 7-8pm Wednesdays). A welcome sign is placed in front of the church inviting visitors to come in.  Inside, guests will find comfortable furniture and a helpful librarian or attendant who is able to provide information or assistance in using the many resources available for free, such as:

n The Christian Science Monitor is a highly-respected daily newspaper published by the Church.  Originally established to give  members access to unbiased news about national and world affairs, today it is one of the nation’s most important news outlets. It recently ran a series of reports by Jill Carroll, a correspondent who was kidnapped and held hostage in Iraq.

n The Christian Science Sentinel is a weekly magazine and radio program with reports on current events and spirituality.  The Sentinel also contains notices of public lectures on Christian Science healing. 

n The Christian Science Journal is a monthly magazine that includes articles on Christian Science and accounts of spiritual healings.

n The Herald of Christian Science is available in 13 languages. (Members live in more than 130 countries around the world.)

Also available are a collection of books, many also printed in Spanish:  Bibles, “Science and Health with Key to the Scriptures” (The Christian Science text), concordances, Bible dictionaries and study guides.

In addition, information is available in modern digital format via  a computer linked to the Internet, as well as CDs, DVDs, videotapes, and cassettes.  Anything available from the Publishing Society can be ordered upon request.

John Maddock, one of the members who staffs the Gilroy Reading Room, invites visitors to take advantage of this community resource:  “We aren’t here to proselytize, but to meet the needs of residents.  (Mary Baker Eddy, the founder of the Christian Science movement) intended for us to share the teachings of Christ.  Come and find a quiet place to study, free from distractions.  We’re available for conversation, prayer or help in a search for truth.  Even the merely curious are always welcome to stop in.”

Christian Science, founded by Eddy in 1879 after a dramatic experience of physical healing, is an attempt to “reinstate primitive Christianity and its lost element of healing.”

The original church in Boston, called the “Mother Church,” has more than 2,000 branches worldwide.  There is no professional clergy, but local churches elect “readers” to lead worship. There are some 3,000 “practitioners” who carry on healing work and spiritual guidance as a full-time vocation; “lecturers” are appointed by international directors to give public presentations on Christian Science.

The Gilroy church holds weekly services and Sunday School classes at 10am Sundays and at 8pm Wednesdays. For more information, call (408) 842-4234.

Chuck Flagg teaches English at Mt. Madonna High School. Write to him at P.O. Box 22365, Gilroy, Calif. 95021.

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