music in the park, psychedelic furs

Four letters on these subjects: Gun control, a columnist’s poor
judgment and the blessing of music on CDs
Citizens should fear a government intent on power through gun control

Dear Editor,

“Laws that forbid the carrying of arms … disarm only those who are neither inclined nor determined to commit crimes … Such laws make things worse for the assaulted and better for the assailants; they serve rather to encourage than to prevent homicides, for an unarmed man may be attacked with greater confidence than an armed man.” 

~ Thomas Jefferson

Gun control started in colonial times where he who had the gun had the control. The idea was to take the guns away from the bullies and criminals. The idea is the same now but it still doesn’t work. Somehow they still don’t abide by laws.    

Check out what has happened to all the other countries that banned guns. Mexico has always had strict gun laws. They now have rampant gun violence from drug gangs. Australia had the greatest increase in crime ever when they banned guns. 

Should you have the right to protect yourself, your family, and your property? Or, be forced to just wait until the police arrive to write up another victim’s story after they are devastated or murdered.

A government that is afraid of an armed citizenry is a government you should fear.

John Herren, Gilroy

‘Mommy’ columnist uses poor judgment, sinks to the lowest level

Dear Editor,

I try to be a good father and grandfather. I go to church regularly and try to use language that is acceptable in church. I am disappointed with the way we have deteriorated on television and in the newspapers. The following is a story I made up, but you can see how this could very easily happen: A group of 9-year-old girls are watching television, when the hostess says, “we were watching “Dancing Your Big Fat Ass Off’ when Suzy farted. I was so pissed off, I sent her home.”

I am disappointed we have sunk to this level. How can we scold her when we use that language on television and in the newspapers?

Ed Carr, Morgan Hill

Dear Editor,

Referring to “It’s a Mom’s Life” column by Laurie Sontag published Friday, July 16: What a waste of space. There must be many more subjects of substance that would be written by a qualified journalist. Note to Ms. Sontag, if your teenage son did in fact call you an “old fart” to your face, that would be very disrespectful. How could you not develop his attitude to respect his parents and others?

Don Watts, Morgan Hill

Forget the vinyl, music rocks on the CDs

Dear Editor, 

I don’t know who Connor Ramey is or what his musical credentials might be. As for myself, I played the violin for 60 years before giving it up because of arthritis in my fingers. I also played a bit of guitar, mandolin and tenor banjo. I played in symphony orchestras my whole life, including the South Valley Symphony. I got to know the works of all the major composers from the inside out by playing them in rehearsal and concert.

I also played in a bluegrass band and dabbled with traditional New Orleans jazz. And I have attended many, many concerts as a listener. Classical, bluegrass, traditional jazz, cool jazz, folk, blues, etc. At one time, I had season tickets to the Chicago Symphony Orchestra. I count many, many musicians as close personal friends.

At the age of 72, I may have arthritis in my fingers but I am still blessed with excellent hearing in both ears. So what do I listen to at home? I have a sound system with two Klipschorns and a Belle Klipsch speaker. They are driven by a Sony ES series receiver. I have a CD player and a 400 CD changer, and approximately 800 CDs total. I started buying CDs some 40 years ago when they first became available.

One of the things I did was to search out the vinyl albums I enjoyed, on CD. I now have almost every one of the LP vinyl albums I ever owned, on CD. Most were recorded from the original master tapes. Years ago, I got rid of my vinyl LPs and my turntables. I have never regretted doing so. I listen to my system several times a week. I enjoy doing so almost as much as going to a live concert.

Yes, I have “Dark Side of the Moon” on CD. As an electrical engineer with two degrees and a bit of professional experience in digital signal processing, I know how CDs work. But what matters is how they sound. Ramey’s statement that “some of those noise pops and crackles are what makes listening to a record such an intimate and enjoyable experience” strikes me as just plain silly. He is entitled to his opinion. I know a few other folks who agree with him. To each his own. For me, vinyl is dead and gone, and good riddance. 

Robert Gilchrist, Hollister

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