Should a proposal to build a 13-story mosque and Islamic
cultural center steps from Ground Zero be approved?
Should a proposal to build a 13-story mosque and Islamic cultural center steps from Ground Zero be approved?
â– Yes. Although it seems disrespectful and personally repugnant, a truly free society must support the freedom and rights afforded to all others. The Bill of Rights has been trampled upon enough after 9-11. What better message could be sent to the peaceful vast majority of Muslims than this? â– NO, Not until Islam apologizes to America for what their brethren did on 9/11/01. â– Legally yes, morally no. â– I know it’s not a popular point of view – Yes. All Muslims are not terrorists. Many Muslims are Americans. We need to find a path that allows us to move forward together – becoming a stronger and safer nation. I am much more horrified that a Christian pastor threatened the security of the world with his insanity. A little sensitivity and education – from ALL points of view – are called for.
â– No. It can be built in a different part of town and would be more appropriate given the circumstances. â– Yes. Considering there were two functioning mosques in the Twin Towers with Muslims probably in them praying for help as they went down, I would say it would be fine to build a Muslim Cultural Center two blocks away. â– I am tempted to answer the way one African president did to a king of Saudi Arabia: Sure you can build a mosque, as soon as you allow a cathedral in our country. However, I don’t see our Constitutional rights in a quid pro quo light. Freedom of/from religion is not limited to mainstream religions, majority religious preferences, or current fads. Perhaps we could see the effort to build a cultural center as an olive branch, an apology, an effort to help build tolerance both ways. â– No. Ground zero is a grave, a massive one and therefore hallowed ground, the proposal is insensitive to that fact.
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