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The Gilroy City Council chose not to fiscally analyze
contracting out for fire services? Wise or not?

The Gilroy City Council chose not to fiscally analyze contracting out for fire services? Wise or not?

– Wise right now, but should definitely be looked at when the city has a plus-balance in its budget.

– Not. Although change is difficult and this would be significant change, if it saved the city money as it appears it would, they should vote to do the analysis.

– I am not sure why this is an issue now? Aren’t the negotiations already done? If they are looking to the future, why just fire and not other services?

– Unwise. I am not sure what the best solution is, but I don’t think it hurts to at least consider all of our options – even if, after thoughtful consideration, we decide the status quo is the best solution.

– Wise. I don’t think our community is ready for a decision like this. It’s probably inevitable if finances continue to negatively impact budgets in cities across the state, including Gilroy. Local citizens probably feel safe with our own fire department to respond to emergencies and would hold City Council members accountable at the ballot box.

– Not wise. It’s always prudent to know your options and the basis to

choose them.

– It’s never “wise” to make a decision without all the facts … they’re reasons for not doing an analysis are weak at best!

– Wise at this time. There are some very valid ideas being challenged in trying to save the city money. I feel we need to scale back on the bodies that travel on the engines, but also I would hate to see Gilroy using outside firefighters to do the fine job that our community firefighters do. There is a certain amount of love and pride that our friends at the fire stations have that the outside vendors just would not have. Very tough decision.

– Not wise! Having the information can only be helpful. If it shows that lot of efficiencies are available by contracting out, it gives the citizens of Gilroy opportunities to get the best deal, even if it is in the future. If the study doesn’t reveal great savings, it shows that we are getting value from our firefighters and the recent concessions they’ve made.

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