Community Pulse
music in the park, psychedelic furs

At this time, how likely are you to vote to re-elect President
Obama in the next election?

At this time, how likely are you to vote to re-elect President Obama in the next election?

– I am fairly certain to vote for him again. Lots of reasons … one of the biggest is that my vote is a referendum against all those who blame our president for the current malaise – 40 years of hovering over special interests, financial mismanagement, political bickering, and good old-fashioned kicking the can down the road, by both parties are the reasons why we are in this mess! One person could not possibly get us to this low point alone. To vote Obama out based on untruths only prolongs our very unfortunate situation.

– Uncertain, everything about the economy and the world is uncertain and so am I!

– Not a chance … and am disappointed in that decision.

– Absolutely, although in this climate of out to get anyone who isn’t a Republican, his re-election seems highly unlikely. It would be very nice if adults acted like adults and leaders acted like leaders. The current political climate is embarrassing both domestically and globally.

– Absolutely. I’m a loyal Democrat.

– Uncertain. Obama has been disappointing. Yet,I am disillusioned and frustrated by both major political parties. I have zero confidence that either of them can set aside their political agendas for the greater good. I am so tired of them not “giving an inch” for fear of having to go further.

– Not a chance. Mr. Obama lacks the knowledge to manage a capitalist economy. His belief that spending more and taxing more will create jobs is a proven failure and he cannot or will not adjust his thinking. We need a leader for our country not an apologetic misguided man.

– Yes, I will vote for Obama again. Although he has made mistakes, overall he is doing what he can with what he can. Everything he does is going to be rejected by the Republicans because they do not want the Tea Party to think that they are working with the president. There is no other choice!

– NO. He is not leading, but is being led. The unfortunate part of my answer is that I do not see anyone else that is showing me an alternative.

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