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Were you surprised to learn that 26.7 percent of high school
students in Gilroy dropped out?

Were you surprised to learn that 26.7 percent of high school students in Gilroy dropped out?

Yes: 4 No: 8

â–  Yes. It does not say much for our public education system.

■ No – sad but true with high school exit exam looming and not enough differentiation at all levels for struggling students.

â–  Not surprised at all. Some just get lost in the whole big GHS world, others just don’t see school as being as important as a job.

â–  No. Sure wish there were something that could be done to curb this early as a prevention measure.

■ I am not surprised. I am very interested in knowing how GUSD graduates do in college – is GUSD preparing them?

â–  Not surprised. With the overcrowding at the high school, I thought is was higher. I know that the high school has a program called Advanced Path that graduated 42 students from Gilroy High that otherwise would not have graduated.

â–  Yes, I am surprised and disappointed.

â–  NO. It is very obvious when you observe the young people in our community. Unfortunately I see a very definite ethnic tilt to the statistic. And I also see the parents of this current group of junior high/high school students demonstrating a general lack of emphasis on the importance of education.

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