music in the park, psychedelic furs

Do you believe Gilroy will be a thriving place in five years?

  • I hope and pray! We could have had RDA money years ago, but the City Council at the time did not support it, and it was voted down. Now, this Council needs to step to the plate and help downtown businesses and building owners by spending some of our taxpayer dollars on making our downtown a vibrant and pleasant place to visit.  The final demolition of that eyesore at Monterey and 4th Streets a few months ago should symbolize the kickoff of a “new” downtown!
  • Yes, After reading the report on the Council’s facilitated planning session I am more optimistic for the future of downtown than before. While I don’t have the secrets to allow Gilroy Downtown to prosper I do have confidence in Mayor Don Gage and his leadership ability. He has a lifetime of experience since his last time at Gilroy’s helm and this jump start is a benefit to all of us. Retail will always be a challenge with downtown since the Outlets are so close, but the Welcome Center, Chamber of Commerce, Downtown Association along with the City Council will form a very strong team under the tutelage of Mayor Gage to find solutions. P.S. We can always use a Gun Shop. You can’t just shop there to get your information and then go to the Internet for purchase, because you need a qualified gun dealer to register and place the weapon into your hands.
  • Maybe not thriving but surviving … the restaurants are a great addition to our downtown but we still need more boutique stores to draw customers. Parking needs to be improved.  
  • Yes, provided that the city and the community continue to embrace the downtown and funds are directed to complete projects.
  • Yes. I want to be optimistic.  I see some buildings downtown being upgraded.  There are some wonderful restaurants Old City Hall, Station 55, Milias Restaurant, Garlic City, Carnitas Michoacan to name a few. Downtown is unique and continues to provide the types of businesses that draw people there.
  • I do think Downtown Gilroy will continue to improve, and eventually be a signature stop for our community. We have had a ton of progress in the past few years and it’s truly a special place to have a business. So the optimist in me says “yes!”
  • Yes as long as property owners get with the program and upgrade their buildings to get them occupied. Business owners will have to do their part and join forces to market downtown. Use the opportunities that Chamber, EDC, Downtown Association and Welcome Center have available to assist in marketing.
  • Unfortunately, no. It is not likely the downtown will have the type of uses necessary to draw patrons from outside Gilroy within the next five years. In the meantime, the downtown will rely almost exclusively upon local patrons, especially those within walking distance. Given the modest recovery of the local housing market, the demand for high-density residential in and around the downtown will not be great enough to create the critical mass necessary for a thriving downtown within the next five years.


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