music in the park, psychedelic furs

Will you vote in November to pay an additional 1/8-cent sales
tax in Santa Clara County for BART to San Jose maintenance and

Will you vote in November to pay an additional 1/8-cent sales tax in Santa Clara County for BART to San Jose maintenance and operations?

Yes: 3 No: 8

â–  Yes. We have to start using public transport on a more regular basis, and this extension is a logical way to do that. Of course we have to pay for it, and that is our responsibility as citizens. We cannot assume that we will improve our infrastructure exclusively on someone else’s dime.

â–  No. Until the VTA acts responsibly to prioritize neglected South County transportation projects, I will not support such a unilateral tax.

â–  NO WAY, I’m fed-up with getting tax increases.

â–  No. We’ve been hearing about this for eons. I hardly see anyone riding the transit busses around town.

â–  NO. I firmly believe that we have waited too long to bring BART to San Jose. For that matter, I think we waited too long to bring any mass transit to any of our suburban areas. Even if we can get people to the major centers we can’t get them away from those centers in an efficient manner. That’s why people don’t use transit, they can’t get to where they want to go.

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