We’re looking forward to seeing the concepts
– frequent evaluations and compensation tied to job performance
– in the new school superintendent’s contract used throughout the
We’re encouraged by two aspects of the employment contract for new Gilroy Unified School District Superintendent Deborah Flores: It contains financial incentives tied to job performance and it establishes quarterly performance reviews.

While we hesitate to utter those politically incor-

rect words ‘merit pay,’ indeed Flores is being compensated with a form of merit pay because the board of trustees can award bonuses if she achieves goals it sets for her.

We like this contract for several reasons.

First, quarterly evaluations are a way to encourage progress and discourage wrong paths sooner rather than later. It reduces the likelihood of unpleasant surprises.

In a district that is as communication-challenged as GUSD, quarterly reviews of the superintendent by the school board are a great first step for improving communication and for modeling behavior for the rest of the district.

Second, it allows the board a new way to encourage the superintendent to achieve specific goals.

One of the first goals we suggest is that Flores be required to evaluate principals and administrators based on job performance and recommend raises based on those evaluations.

We really don’t want a repeat of the faux-union negotiation unit demanding – and worse, receiving – large, uniform raises.

Finally, with the school district exploring an “alternative compensation” plan with teachers, we’re glad to see that system in place for the new superintendent. If Flores can successfully tie school principals’ and administrators’ job performance to compensation, doing the same for teachers is the logical next step.

The district has a chance to make a dramatic culture change with the hiring of Flores, with her chance to hire several new administrators and principals, and with the teachers union’s willingness to explore some sort of merit pay.

The superintendent’s contract is a great tool to keep the momentum going. We’re looking forward to seeing the concepts in her contract – frequent evaluations and compensation tied to job performance – used throughout the school district.

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