music in the park, psychedelic furs

Advisory panel to meet
– The newly formed Perchlorate Citizens Advisory Committee,
established by the Central Coast Regional Water Quality Control
Board, with San Martin’s Sylvia Hamilton as chair and Bob Cerruti
as vice-chair, will meet on Thursday, May 8, at 10 a.m. at the San
Martin Lion’s Club, 12515 Murphy Ave.
This committee is designed to give the community a voice in the
perchlorate cleanup process. The public is encouraged to
Advisory panel to meet

SAN MARTIN – The newly formed Perchlorate Citizens Advisory Committee, established by the Central Coast Regional Water Quality Control Board, with San Martin’s Sylvia Hamilton as chair and Bob Cerruti as vice-chair, will meet on Thursday, May 8, at 10 a.m. at the San Martin Lion’s Club, 12515 Murphy Ave.

This committee is designed to give the community a voice in the perchlorate cleanup process. The public is encouraged to attend.

For more information on the community advisory committee, call Harvey Packard of the state Regional Water Quality Control Board at (805) 542-4639.

Business expo today

MORGAN HILL – Once again, as it does each May, the Chamber of Commerce brings the South County Business Expo to Morgan Hill. Today’s affair is expected to entertain 1,500 visitors with food and beverage sampling, door prizes and opportunities for all.

This year’s Expo will be held at 16200 Vineyard Ave., one block north of Tennant Avenue. Nearly 100 exhibitors will offer food and wine from local vintners and restaurants and information on business opportunities.

Admission and parking are free. The Expo is sponsored in part by South Valley Disposal and Recycling and South Valley National Bank. Details: 779-9444.

Embezzling suspect arrested

MORGAN HILL – Morgan Hill Police arrested 34-year-old John Michael Maino on Thursday for embezzlement. While Maino, a Morgan Hill resident, was employed for two-and a-half years as the controller for the Morgan Hill-based company North Coast Medical where he reportedly embezzled approximately $125,000.

Det. Gary Cupps obtained a search warrant for Maino’s Morgan Hill residence. While the warrant was being served, detectives seized bank statements, a computer, cocaine, more than an ounce of marijuana and several unknown types of pills that are being sent to the crime lab for analysis. Charges for possession of these controlled substances are being sought.

Maino was booked into the Santa Clara County Jail for embezzlement and an outstanding warrant for DUI.

Fire Capt. Sanders honored

MORGAN HILL – Santa Clara County Fire Department Captain Mike Sanders, stationed at Morgan Hill’s El Toro Station, was recognized Tuesday by the county Board of Supervisors as County Fire’s choice for Santa Clara County Employee of the Month for May. Each month the county recognizes six agency employees but only one County Fire employee is selected each year.

A member of the fire service since 1974, Sanders served as president of Fire Fighters Local 2987, supports countless fire department public education programs and offers continued service as chairman of the county fire’s Employee Recognition Awards Dinner.

Sanders, his wife Janet and three kids live in Morgan Hill.

VTA planning meeting

GILROY – The Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority is holding a meeting to provide the public an opportunity to participate in the development of the Fiscal Year 2004 budget. Come to City Hall, Council Chambers, 7351 Rosanna St. on Thursday, May 8, at 6 p.m. for an informational open house. Details:

Be an active landlord

GILROY – The city of Gilroy is holding a landlord/property manager workshop Thursday, May 15, from 5:30 to 8:30 p.m. at the Gilroy Senior Center, 7371 Hanna St.

Workshop goals include:

• To alert rental housing landowners of their responsibility to provide and maintain safe, crime-free rentals.

• To provide information that will assist landowners and on-site property managers on how to effectively manage their properties.

• To educate landlords about the consequences of failing to address rental concerns.

• Opportunity for landlords to network with other Gilroy landowners and Gilroy agencies.

• Provide city resources.

• Enhance the quality of life in the Gilroy’s neighborhoods by improving a sense of community.

Speakers will address issues that contribute to the decline of property value and poor quality of life. Refreshments will be provided. The workshop is free. Details: Community Service Officer Rachel Muñoz at 846-6372.

Grow your business

MORGAN HILL – The South County Chapter of Leads Club is holding an open forum on Thursday, May 8, at 7:15 a.m. in Morgan Hill at Seven Oaks Properties, 16433 Monterey Road. The speakers will share Internet buying tips to grow your business. Leads Club provides a networking forum for business individuals to promote their product/service and increase their business by exchange of quality business referrals. For information and reservation, call 782-5852.

Orchard Valley sign-ups

MORGAN HILL – Orchard Valley Youth Soccer League is holding walk-in registration for fall teams Saturday, May 10, from 9 a.m. to 4 p.m. at New Hope Community Church at the corner of Sixth and Hanna streets. Bring a current picture, birth certificate and registration fee. Details: 848-6375.

Best of the best

GILROY – The best of the Elementary Choir under the direction of June Thomas and the High School Chamber Choir under the direction of Phil Robb will perform at 7 p.m. Thursday, May 8, in a joint concert at St. Stephen’s Episcopal Church at 651 Broadway. Details: 848-3583.

Teacher recruitment fair

SAN JOSE – The Santa Clara County Teacher Recruitment Fair will be held Saturday, May 10 from 9 a.m. to 3 p.m. at the Santa Clara County Office of Education, 1290 Ridder Park Drive, San Jose. Representatives from Santa Clara County school districts will be on hand to share information and interview prospective currently credential candidates. The fair is co-sponsored by the Santa Clara County Superintendent of Schools Office, the Association of California School Administrators, Region XIII, and the Central California Region Teacher Recruitment Center. Pre-registered applicants are welcome all day. Non-registered applicants should arrive after 10:30 a.m. and must show their credential to be admitted. Details: or

(559) 222-7411.

Crab Cioppino feed

GILROY – The Gilroy High School Athletic Association is holding its 23rd Annual Crab Cioppino Feed and Dance on Saturday, May 10, at Christopher Ranch. Dinner is served from 5:30 to 8 p.m. and dancing to The Joe Sharino Band will be from 8 p.m. to midnight. Tickets are on sale in the athletic office at Gilroy High School from 8 a.m. to 4 p.m. daily or on the Web at Tickets are $40. Details: Jack Daley at 848-7178 or jd****@gu**.us. Proceeds from the event go to help pay transportation fees for Gilroy High Athletics.

Discover arts

GILROY – This year’s “Kids Discover Arts” festival will be held on Saturday, May 10, at Wheeler Community Center. This annual “hands-on” arts festival is a free, day-long event where children ages 5 to 11 can experience all media of the visual arts. Over 25 workshops led by volunteer artisans from the Gilroy area, including fine arts, ethnic art and art using natural and recycled materials are available for all to enjoy. Those interested in participating can pre-register through Wednesday, May 8, at Community Services, 7351 Rosanna St., and should arrive at the festival at 9 a.m. Others should arrive at 10 a.m. Organizers are also seeking neck ties to be used in one of the art projects. Neck-tie donations can be dropped off at Community Services. Details: 846-0460.

Protect the entire family

GILROY – The First Annual Gilroy Children’s Safety Weekend will take place on Saturday and Sunday, May 17 and 18, at the Hilton Garden Inn. The event will be both educational and fun-packed for the entire family with demonstrations in self-defense, personal safety and first-aid education. Local businesses will also show their support by demonstrating home and personal safety equipment, as well as offering free children’s car safety-seat inspections.

This will be a nonprofit event and all net proceeds will go to benefit St. Joseph’s Family Center and other participating nonprofit organizations. Details: Phil Leekley at 896-9163.

Grr-lic dog walk

GILROY – The Gilroy Grr-lic Dog Walk in the Park will be held on Sunday, May 18, from 9 a.m. to noon at Christmas Hill Park. There is a $10 donation per pet. There will be photos, prizes, T-shirts, a look-alike contest and more. Proceeds benefit the San Martin Animal Shelter. Walkers under 16 must be accompanied by an adult. Details: 842-9348.

Calling all flower lovers

MORGAN HILL – The Morgan Hill Flower Lovers Club, including Gilroy and San Martin, will hold its monthly meeting on Wednesday, May 7, at 12:30 p.m. in the Morgan Hill Cultural Center, on the corner of Dunne Avenue and Monterey Road. The program will be a talk and demonstration on growing iris. Details: 776-1512.

Downtown spring happening

MORGAN HILL – Morgan Hill’s downtown merchants will celebrate spring with their annual spring sidewalk sale on Saturday, May 10, from 10 a.m. to 5 p.m. Merchants invite the public to stroll along and shop for bargains. This year there will also be a needlework exhibition at the Grange Hall. Shoppers can drop in between 10 a.m. and 5 p.m. to see examples of quilting and embroidery. The occasion will be especially spring-like with the seasonable opening of the Farmer’s Market, at the Morgan Hill Train Depot on Depot Street, from 9 a.m. to 1 p.m. Details: 779-3190.

Tickets for ‘Sugar’ on sale

MORGAN HILL – South Valley Civic Theatre presents “Sugar,” the musical version of “Some Like It Hot” at the Morgan Hill Community Playhouse. Performances are at 8 p.m. Fridays and Saturdays, May 16 to June 7 with matinee performances at 2 p.m. on Sundays, May 25 and June 1. Tickets are available at California Music, 7565 Monterey Road in Gilroy. Details: 842-SHOW.

News Items: Please fax local news items to City Editor Jodi Engle at 842-2206, e-mail to ed****@ga****.com or mail to 6400 Monterey St. Gilroy.

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