Local Digest
Fall play closes tonight
Gilroy High School presents the fall play at 2 p.m. today. Tickets are $5 for students and $7 for adults and will be available at the door.
The performance, put on by Sara Klopp’s drama classes, is a series of 10 mini plays.
Annual bazaar set for today
The Gilroy United Methodist Women will hold Bazaar 2007 Saturday, at the Methodist Church, 7600 Church St. It begins and 8:30 a.m. and will end when there are no more customers. There is no cost for admission. There will be handmade crafts, jams, jellies and cakes for sale. Lunch will be served at 11:30 a.m.
There will be a drawing with a handmade quilt as the top prize.
Details: 842-3034.
Native American teachings
An evening with Native American teachings and prophecies with Grand Chief Woableza, native leader, storyteller, for Council of Indigenous Elders of Mother Earth will be held 4 to 8 p.m. today at San Juan Bautista Mission Teaching Center, Second Street.
Chief Woableza will discuss his meetings with Navajo Spiritual Elader Leon Secatero and his work with 13th generation Mayan Priest Don Alejandro Perez Oxlaj.
“The White Road,” a moving film about a sacred gathering of indigenous leaders will be shown. Donations appreciated.
Details: (831) 623-4771.
Release your inner writer
The Gilroy Writing Project features Matilda Butler at 2 p.m. today. She will offer tips on developing your personal memoir, then scrapbook your writing and photos into a beautiful family keepsake.
Details: Catherine Alexander at 842-8207, or www.santaclaracountylib.org/gilroy/GIwriting.html.
Elks, Marines’ Toys for Tots drive
The Gilroy Elks RV group, The Garlic Roamers, has started its annual Toys for Tots drive in conjunction with the U.S. Marines. Residents can contribute by bringing an unwrapped toy to the Gilroy Elks Lodge, 2765 Hecker Pass Highway.
Details: 842-4970.
Send digest items to City Editor Robert Airoldi at ed****@ga****.com.