The first annual Run for the Stink’n Roses Cougar Classic (as it now called) was successfully run Sunday September 30th. For a first time effort by the Christopher HS Cross Country Team it came off without a hitch. A number of experienced SVRC members were there as volunteers but you could see that Michael Bonomi and his team of eager beaver students were used to organizing races.
The turnout was good but hopefully will improve as word gets out into the running community next year. This race is very low key and a lot of fun to run. The number of people running the 5K was about double the number of 10K runners. I would estimate there were about 75 – 100 runners altogether.
Personally I ran the 10K and placed first in my age group. Just don’t ask how many were in my age group, that would not be polite. The way I look at it all my potential competitors were home sleeping in and getting fat. As they say showing up is half the battle.
Just Run