music in the park, psychedelic furs

1 An amazing number of residents want an Olive Garden
2 Greater police presence downtown needed to change the
3 Act upon the results or send the wrong message to the
The recently concluded Gilroy Community Survey is fascinating and worthwhile, but only if there’s an action plan that now becomes tied to the results.

The tidy response summation which the city initially released is fine, but the real interesting material – the meat of the survey which puts it in context – is contained in the comments respondents were moved to write.

Those are fascinating and reveal everything from the fact that an amazing number of residents would like to have an Olive Garden restaurant in town to a clear cry for a wine bar that features local vintages to open downtown.

Those fascinating comments are available on our website in their entirety – though fair warning, the files are large so download times are longer than normal.

The survey has already prompted some action. Councilmembers Cat Tucker and Bob Dillon are clear that there needs to be a greater police presence downtown. Not everything shows up in raw statistics. So, while there may not be more crimes committed in downtown Gilroy, the perception of the populace is that it’s not a safe place.

That’s a perfect example of what should go on a Survey Action Plan list. The people have spoken. Now the question becomes is anybody really listening?

If nothing comes of the survey, the lesson for all those who took the time and trouble to fill out the survey will be clear: Nobody really cares enough to take action.

That would be a real waste.

Hopefully, the survey becomes a catalyst for action that should involve the Chamber of Commerce, the Visitor’s Bureau, the Economic Development Commission and the city of Gilroy. There were actually three surveys, one for residents, another for businesses and a final one for visitors.

The survey provides a good basis for discussion as our civic leaders break down the results and drill deeper.

Let’s do something significant with the results and let the community know that their input is valued.

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