Dear Editor:
I am a student at Gilroy High School, and I am frankly fed up
with the school’s new dress code.
Dear Editor:

I am a student at Gilroy High School, and I am frankly fed up with the school’s new dress code. There are some things that schools shouldn’t worry about because they have nothing to do with education, such as shoelaces, hats, and flannel pants.

About seven years ago, there was a terrible tragedy at Gilroy High School. At that time, it was an open campus, and a stranger walked onto campus during school hours and stabbed a student, killing him. The district’s reaction was to switch to a closed campus, and tighten up on the dress code. I understand that the campus had to be closed to prevent strangers from entering. What I don’t understand is why the school had to form a stricter dress code.

All of last year, I wore red shoelaces, without anyone telling me that I should do otherwise. My second day of school this year, they took my shoelaces at the front gate, and I had to walk across campus to the disciplinary office so I could tie my shoes together with twine.

Another fashionable thing is to wear a hat. I understand and agree that it is disrespectful to wear hats inside a classroom, but I’ve always been able to wear one outside. One day at the gate (the very same gate where they took my shoelaces) they took my hat. When I questioned why, I was told that I could conceal a weapon. I don’t believe that is likely to happen.

One fateful day, the laundry was not done, and I had no clean pants except for one pair of flannel pants. I wore them, and they were quite comfortable. I was clean, neat, and not sloppy at all. I got to school, and I was called over by a yard supervisor who asked for my name.

I told her my name, went on my way, and thought nothing of it. During first period, I received a note telling me that I had work detail because of the flannel pants that I was wearing. I read a school newsletter in which Principal Bob Bravo stated that the new regulation was for “the health and safety of the students.” How do flannel pants affect the students health and safety? Is there a pajama pant gang?

I’m fed up with the new dress code. I ask all of the wonderful citizens reading the to write to the school board and voice your opinion. If you have any comments, please email me at: [email protected]. Maybe we can help create a dress code that makes sense.

Jeremy Borgia, Gilroy

Submitted Monday, Dec. 9 to [email protected]

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