Like all great origin stories, the details of Gilroy’s New Year’s Day Burrito Run motorcycle ride are a bit murky.
“The origins were lost in the tribal tales of motorcycle history,” said Hy “Crash” Libby, president of Chapter 31 American Legion Riders and one of up to 800 motorcycle riders expected to make their annual pilgrimage to downtown Gilroy on New Year’s Day.
The story goes that about 10 to 15 years ago a group of 8-10 motorcycle riders from up north stopped in downtown Gilroy for some rest and nourishment on their way to the coast.
Finding no restaurants open on New Year’s Day, the cold and famished group made their way to Cielito Lindo, a Mexican restaurant on Monterey Road where, peeking through the window they were noticed by the proprietor’s family as they were sitting down to their holiday breakfast.
The family welcomed the shivering riders inside to join in their repast. Grateful for their hospitality, the motorcycle riders promised the family they would return the following year and bring along more of their friends, which they did.
“The ride grew to a mini rally in Gilroy,” said Libby. “Now all the places are open; they would be silly not to.” Groups start arriving around 8 a.m., and continue throughout the morning.
Riders come from as far away as San Francisco and Antioch, said Libby, whose own motorcycle chapter is based in Salinas.
“People come miles around for this; it’s a see-and-be-seen type of thing. Everyone is in a great mood and politics are left at home. You will see bro hugs for days. It’s a really upbeat and great way to kick-off the season,” he said.
Libby said he intends to take the half hour ride from Salinas to Gilroy in his stride.
“Considering the cold temperature – they expect it to be in the low 40s, we’ve never quite figured out if its better to go fast or slow to beat the wind chill,” he joked. “Most riders will choose to go faster – it’s in the DNA.”
What started as a personal tradition among friends has become one of downtown Gilroy’s more unique and quirky events.
“The entire area – the restaurants, Cielito Lindo, the bowling alley and coffee shops, they are all waiting for us,” said Libby.
The American Legion on Sixth Street will host a burrito breakfast and live music has been known to play on Monterey Road.
“Those of us who ride like stories with a good vibe to it,” said Libby. “And this one celebrates brotherhood and comradeship. It’s a good story.”

music in the park, psychedelic furs
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