A short time ago, a local elementary school asked me if I would
be interested in donating something to their annual fundraising
event. An idea was born to have me guide a group of individuals
through one of the local wine trails. I thought it would be fun and
readily agreed.
A short time ago, a local elementary school asked me if I would be interested in donating something to their annual fundraising event. An idea was born to have me guide a group of individuals through one of the local wine trails. I thought it would be fun and readily agreed.

Knowing that the trip would include stops at three wineries, I wanted the group to have peace of mind as we traveled. We needed a designated driver with a lot of seating, someone who could take over the burden of driving and allow the group to focus on the wine and the company at hand.

I called on Theresa Martin, owner of Night Out Limousine, and asked if I could reserve a Sunday afternoon. “Wine tasting tours are one of our specialties,” Theresa said.

I was a bit nervous when the date that was set finally rolled around. I was going to be joining a group of people that were friends, but strangers to me. As I pulled up to the house where we were all meeting, I was relieved to see Theresa already there.

After a brief and casual greeting was exchanged, the group of nine slid into our ride.

Once inside, I was happy to see iced water, beverages and brochures about the wineries we would be visiting. Theresa also explained all the buttons, knobs and doodads that operated everything.

At each of the wineries, doors were opened for our party and we were escorted into the tasting rooms where we were introduced to the winery staff. When we returned to the limousine, Theresa was ready to take our purchases, mark them appropriately with our names and secure them for safe passage. The passenger compartment had been cleaned and tidied, making Mr. Tossy (my moniker) very happy.

It did not take long for our group to bond and enjoy the entire experience. We sometimes would stay at a winery a little longer than anticipated. I asked Theresa if we should call ahead and tell the next winery that we would be running a little late. To my delight, she informed me that task had been done already.

Anyone who knows me has often heard me espouse my frustration with customer service. What used to be the business rule – things like courtesy, attentiveness and personalized care – now seems to be the business exception. It was refreshing to receive those extra layers of customer service, ones that make you, the consumer, feel special.

We had made dinner reservations for after the wine tour and we were all getting hungry. There is something about breaking bread and drinking wine that brings pleasure of biblical proportions.

A limousine is a charter party carrier and does not charge per person. Most local limousine companies charge $75-100 per hour, depending on the passenger capacity of the vehicle.

Before hiring a charter limousine service, check to see if they are familiar with the particular tasting trail you wish to embark on. You can plan your route or if you are unfamiliar with the territory, the limousine service may be able to make some suggestions based on your palette, interest or constituency of your group.

Some basic etiquette is required when riding in a limousine:

Ignore the urge to stand up through the moon roof and toast the sunset. The exuberance of tasting great wine, being with good friends and sheer luxury will get the best of you – and you’ll want to share it with everyone within a half-mile. Don’t. Please stay seated and safe.

Like in Las Vegas, what happens in the limo stays in the limo. The glass that separates your party from the driver’s seat is to enhance your privacy, but know that a good charter service will still be aware and concerned about your enjoyment and safety.

Appropriate gratuity for your chauffeur is 15-20 percent of the charter fee.

As we rolled into hour number seven, the evening finally started coming to close. With our stomachs full, we slowly climbed back into the limousine for our escort back home.

We met as strangers, but left as friends. We made promises to do this again, hopefully on an annual basis. It would be my good fortune if that promise comes to fruition.


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