music in the park, psychedelic furs

Dear Editor,
The letter from Ms. Manns is very true. You seem to support the
one-timer (President Bush). If you do your proper reporting duties
it will get you somewhere.
Dear Editor,

The letter from Ms. Manns is very true. You seem to support the one-timer (President Bush). If you do your proper reporting duties it will get you somewhere.

I served my country for 11.5 years, both active and reserve.

While I spent some time in the National Guard, I seen so many soldiers not show up for drill and still get paid. This showed that they were present.

Yes, you can go down to the Armory in Gilroy and ask the full timers, but they won’t tell you the truth.

They report 90 to 100 percent strength so they can get credited with some more money, just as schools do with each child. So if you investigate Bush’s attendance record you will never know the truth because he got paid and it showed he was there. But in truth, he wasn’t. As I told you, I seen a lot of soldiers miss, but still received money for being absent.

I believe Bush was a coward and he wants to be commander and chief of the armed services? I don’t think so …

J. P. Zamarron, Gilroy.

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