Simon Salinas – State assembly member 28th District
Favorite Book:
Where the Red Fern Grows
by Wilson Rawls
Simon Salinas – State assembly member 28th District
Favorite Book: “Where the Red Fern Grows” by Wilson Rawls
Book synopsis: A 1961 classic story of Billy Colman and his two coonhound pups romping through the Ozarks as they try to catch the elusive raccoon. The inseparable trio wins the coveted gold cup in the annual coon-hunt contest, captures the wily ghost coon and bravely fights with a mountain lion. Source:
Why is it your favorite book?: “It made me realize as a kid that if you want something really bad and you work hard at it, you can accomplish it.”
How did it change your life?: “I read it for pleasure and learned to appreciate the importance of the written word. I read it to my sixth-grade class when I was a teacher and the students liked that better than the film.”
Why did you read the book?: “I read it in the fifth grade, but my teacher told me to read it just for fun. I think I read 150 books that year.”
In concert with the Gilroy Unified School District’s “Love of Literacy Week,” The Dispatch will ask high-profile folks around town to discuss their favorite books. Interviews will run through the end of “Literacy Week,” Nov. 18 to 22. For more information on the first-of-its-kind program here, call the district at 847-2700. The GUSD Web site ( has a special home page listing literacy activities around the district.