78.4 F
July 26, 2024

Religion: Giving and fear

We are experiencing a lot of fear these days.  Sometimes fear is legitimate and real. Other times, our fears are overblown and irrational. We call these kinds of fears phobias. The fear of immigrants coming into our country is a phobia, that is, an irrational fear. Some running for...

From My Perspective: Victory Over Death

Did you celebrate Easter last week with the hope that you have victory over the grave? Easter commemorates the most important event in human history! The foundation of the Christian faith is the resurrection of Jesus Christ from the dead.  Do you believe Jesus lived...

Religion: A time of discipline, sacrifice and reflection

A special time of the year for millions of Muslims worldwide began in the first week of March 2024, the Islamic month of Ramadan.  Ramadan is the ninth month and holiest month of the Islamic lunar calendar. It is a time of festivity, community, charity and...

Religion: The blessing of creating new life

Rabbi Mendel Liberow
My dear wife recently gave birth to our daughter Mushka on July 23, bringing another blessing into our family and into the world. In honor of this joyous occasion, allow me to share some thoughts on the significance of having a child. Judaism places a...

Religion: Guard My Speech

How powerful words are! Rabbi Seymour J Cohen wrote: “Words can inspire, destroy, console us, entice us. Throughout history words promoted hatred, murder, even wars! How many politicians permanently had their careers ended by false rumors and innuendos!” Each of us have experienced the power...

Religion: Spiritual communities remain

“Follow your dream—you can do it!” That is the encouragement often offered to children, to youth and to adults in our lives. It is an encouragement to be bold, to pursue their dreams and to persist through difficulties. But what is that dream? What is...

Rabbi Mendel Liberow: The Jewish New Year

Rabbi Mendel Liberow
P.T. Barnum famously said, “There’s no such thing as bad publicity.” What he meant by that was that it doesn’t matter as much what people are saying about you as long as they’re talking about you. The worst feeling is not when someone speaks...

