97.9 F
September 7, 2024

Congregation Emeth prepares to celebrate High Holy Days

The sound of the shofar, a trumpet-like blast made by blowing on a ram’s horn, will ring through Congregation Emeth in Morgan Hill for the upcoming High Holy Day services. Congregation Emeth, serving southern Santa Clara County, will be offering a variety of High Holy...

Religion: The Meaning of Thanksgiving

I like etymologies, the origin of words. I like to play with words, especially in different languages. I think we often use words without really thinking about what they really mean and what they imply. “Thanks” is one of those words.  In English, the word...

From My Perspective: Great is Thy Faithfulness

Faith is discussed in many Bible passages. I’m sure you are familiar with the phrase being justified by faith (Romans 5:1-2), salvation by grace through faith (Ephesians 2:8-9) and Matthew 17:20 referencing having faith the size of a mustard seed. Hebrews chapter 11 speaks...

Rabbi Mendel Liberow: Why be thankful?

Rabbi Mendel Liberow
Recently, Chabad of South County Women’s Circle hosted a pre-Thanksgiving event titled, “Give Thanks by Giving Back.” We gathered to make fleece blankets and care packages to donate to Rebekah Children’s Services. I was heartened and touched by the tremendous response from our community...

Religion: The best ideals and a challenge

The Father of our nation, George Washington, had a remarkable correspondence with the first Catholic Bishop in the United States, John Carroll. At the time Catholics were, at best, 1% of the population of the young nation and were living in only two states:...

Religion: A Muslim’s most important journey

In the last week of June, millions of pilgrims are preparing for Hajj, the most important journey in a Muslim’s life. Hajj, the Pilgrimage to Mekka, is an epic journey. It’s the 5th and final pillar of Islam. Hajj takes Muslims on a journey back...

Religion: A time of discipline, sacrifice and reflection

A special time of the year for millions of Muslims worldwide began in the first week of March 2024, the Islamic month of Ramadan.  Ramadan is the ninth month and holiest month of the Islamic lunar calendar. It is a time of festivity, community, charity and...

Religion: Response to a Vocal Minority

In the San Francisco Bay Area, we seem to be in a bubble of more open-minded thinking and inclusion. There are other places, regions and states that seem to be filled with fear of the outsider and suspicion of neighbors of different ethnicity, national...

