ADA DECLINE 15-18″ w/box, H. Bremner
Is public school enrollment declining in Gilroy even though the area is growing? If so, how much ADA has the district lost and why? Why keep same amount of teachers when there are fewer students? Talk to district officials and look at citywide growth.
CV 15″ M. King live from Monday night meeting
The Coyote Valley task force finishes up its recommendations for the SJ city council to consider accelrating growth in the valley just north of Morgan Hill. We’ll see what happens. Also, enviros are peeved that a technical advisory committee has been suspended for the time being.
BENEFIT 15-18″ w/art S. Sanchez
Hundreds of people showed up to the Live Aid Benefit Concert at Christmas Hill Park Saturday afternoon, raising (how much) money for Hurricane relief. Talk with organizers, performers and residents about why they came out to support the cause.
SHANNA WEBB-15″w/art K. Munson
Gavilan student Shanna Webb returned last week after working with the Red Cross in Texas following Hurricane Rita. According to Webb, people are still without power weeks after the storm, and the Red Cross is in need of donations and volunteers, especially once Hurricane Wilma hits. She shares her experiences and photos of the destruction. Tie in with Hurricane Wilma updates.
CHINA TOWN LLC 16″ w/ Artist’s rendering by S. Tumgoren
Council approved plans on Oct. 17 for a new 100,000 square foot shopping center by Home Depot.
Fish bones get a bad rap but new research shows they’re effective at emoving perchlorate and other contaminants from groundwater. Just another example of rapidly evolving perchlorate research that will help clean the San Martin plume and keep people healthy.
PROP 80 – 12″ K. Munson
Proponents say it will prevent another Enron situation and require electricity providers to be subject to regulation. Opponents argue it takes away consumer choice and price competition.
The former owners of Old City Hall restaurant and JR Brewskis filed for bankruptcy last week.
College is accepting artwork from amateur and professionals for Nov. 7 exhibit about Iraq war.
DIAZ FOLLOW 10″ H. Bremner
Supe Edwin Diaz was given 25 percent raise and board members say they were only making his pay closer to the pay of other local supes. Find out how much MH, Milpitas and Hollister make. Call Santa Clara County Office of Education for San Jose figures.