56.4 F
July 27, 2024

Guest View: Why recall Councilmember Armendariz?

Diverse communities throughout Gilroy have unified in support of the recall of Councilmember Rebeca Armendariz. She demonstrated extremely poor judgment when she participated and assisted in the planning of a large-scale party where there was underage drinking. At this party, there was a shooting...

Guest view: Time to remove police from schools

There comes a time when each of us comes to terms with aspects of life that can change our views and challenge long held beliefs. For me it is the present issue of police in schools (school resource officers).

Guest View, Zach Hilton: Happy New Year

Zach Hilton
2021 is in the rear-view mirror, and with multiple vaccines for Covid-19 being distributed, we have found a way for our lives to return to normal. I received the Pfizer vaccine and booster. I’ve had no side effects and I urge you to get...

From My Perspective: The meaning of love

Driving around Gilroy, I still see remnants of Valentine’s Day. Glittery hearts have replaced Christmas decorations, colors of red and pink delight neighborhoods and banners blow in the wind saying “I love you more” or “Love you to the moon and back.” Think about that...

Guest View, Connie Rogers: VTA housing proposal would overwhelm downtown

We are writing as a citizens’ group of Gilroy residents who are actively involved in Gilroy planning issues. Several of our members participated in both of the recent Zoom meetings with VTA staff and PlaceWorks regarding the transit-oriented development you are planning to build...

Mayor’s Update: On the Housing Element

Marie Blankley
As a lifelong resident of Gilroy (since 1964!) whose family comes from farming throughout Santa Clara County, I’ve lived through the change of our once prevalent orchards to today’s Silicon Valley. As Silicon Valley developed and job opportunities soared, so did the cry for...

Guest View, Zach Hilton: Biking for a vibrant city

Zach Hilton
Whose town has the true Pedal Power? Meaning, the most people with wind in their hair, and with wheels turning. With young people and adults rolling in the open air.  Silicon Valley Bicycle Coalition invited cities across San Mateo and Santa Clara counties to a...

Mayor’s Update: Gilroy’s next two years

Gilroy Mayor Marie Blankley
In June the City Council approved our financial budget for fiscal years 2024 and 2025. For the next two years this budget drives the City’s spending and funding allocations within the limits of our revenue sources. As your mayor and a CPA by profession,...

Guest View: High-impact measures headed for 2024 California ballot

Recently, the secretary of state’s office announced that a referendum aimed at overturning California’s landmark law to regulate wages and working conditions for fast food restaurants had qualified for the November 2024 ballot. While it’s the first measure to qualify for an election more than...

Guest view: Who’s exempt from parcel taxes in Santa Clara County?

If you’re a homeowner, you’re about to pay your second installment of property taxes on your home. These taxes need to be paid by April 10. This assessment continues to grow longer, costlier and more confusing every year. This year my assessment has 18...

