50.1 F
April 19, 2024

Guest View: State’s experiment puts lives at risk

World War II changed the face of the world and all the people in it. In California, attitudes on how to view and treat mental illness were changing as well. Growing up in post-WWII California, we didn’t have homeless people per se. Of course there...

Religion: Summer and creation

Summer is my favorite season. Everything feels rich and lush. The days are long and the sunshine warms my soul. I see the beauty of so many flowers with vibrant colors. The sky seems a little bluer to me. Everywhere around me I am...

Guest View: For housing, ‘status quo’ has got to go

Zach Hilton
Gilroy has made strides to plan and promote housing opportunities for our workforce that are typically more affordable. This is needed more now than ever before.  The State recently released new income guidelines: a Santa Clara County household of one whose income is $92,250 is...

Rabbi Mendel Liberow: How to create a violence-free world

Rabbi Mendel Liberow
In Uvalde, one person changed the world.  A single individual—whose motives remain unknown—chose to commit a heinous act, and young lives full of promise ended abruptly. Twenty-one people whose journeys were cut short. Seventeen more wounded. Families plunged into grief. All because of one evil...

Preserving the Past: Don Ygnacio Ortega

It began in the little mining camp of Real de Santa Ana, Baja California. Jose Francisco Ortega had already completed 10 years in the king's army and was in 1768 the Superintendent of Osio's gold and silver mine at Real de Santa Ana. To secure...

Mayor’s Update: Sharks ice rinks making progress

The long-awaited draft Term Sheet to bring Sharks Ice to the Gilroy Sports Park is ready to be presented to the Gilroy City Council at our meeting on Monday, June 20. To participate, you may either attend the meeting which will include public comment...

Guest View: More police does not mean more safety

There was a lot of discourse in September about having police officers at high schools in the area. While there was talk from people like Councilmember Zach Hilton and District Attorney Candidate Sajid Khan about the lack of effectiveness of safety, there was a...

Guest View: South Gilroy neighbors, prepare for more traffic

Editor’s note: On June 2, the Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority Board of Directors will consider approving an addendum to the Highway 101 Improvement Project, which includes a new interchange at Highways 101 and 25. To view the report, visit bit.ly/3PViEar. With this letter, I...

Mayor Marie Blankley: State of the City 2022

Editor’s note: The following is an excerpt from Mayor Marie Blankley’s State of the City address. She will deliver the full talk in person on June 4 at 9:30am in the Gilroy City Council Chambers. It is my pleasure to bring to you Gilroy’s 2022...

Guest View: Heartbeat of Gilroy

It was a warm Thursday summer evening, and everything was in place. I stepped back and was completely in awe. In previous years, I had seen the wonder of creating a venue in a matter of days, having a celebration of Garlic and family for...

