67.9 F
March 8, 2025

Mayor should earn $80,000

To the Editor, We should consider paying our mayor $80,000 salary plus benefits. This is a small amount compared to what other public employees are paid. Our city is way generous. Gilroy is a diverse city of 50,000 Gilroyans made up of Silicon Valley professionals,...

Public-private solutions to homelessness

It takes three things for a community to end homelessness: political will, supportive policies and money. Most communities have one or two of these ingredients, but harnessing all three at the same time has proven hard. As a result, more than 100,000 California residents are...

Parks Dept. left archery range in shambles

I was very happy to see the March 23 Dispatch article informing local people about how someone at the Santa Clara County Parks Department is trying to ruin the Mt. Madonna Park archery range. I have spoken to over a dozen credible sources about...

Mayor confusion

To the editor, On the surface, most cities are governed by a council and a single mayor who are sensitive to and directed by the wishes of voters. Beneath the surface, most would admit, there are other forces pressing upon elected officials. Primary among...

Questions about mosque project

Santa Clara County hosted a special meeting on July 12 for public comment on the Cordoba Center Draft Environmental Impact Report. Many in the crowded room ignored the purpose of the meeting and voiced “feelings” about the applicant or project. South Valley Islamic Center project...

Let us support Islamic Center

To the Editor, I write in support of the Cordoba Center project initiated by the South Valley Islamic Community (SVIC) to provide a mosque for worship and related spiritual services, a cemetery, a separate community building for social and educational activities, and a caretaker’s dwelling...

‘Walkable, bikeable’ future is now

It’s a Saturday afternoon in Gilroy, and the family is looking for something to do.  You decide to stay local and get the bikes ready for a ride. You call up the neighbors and meet on the Levee Class l Bike/Ped Trail, which is...

Bravery vs. Babbittry at the City Council

Dear editor, The many concerned citizens at the July 3 City Council meeting endured a very long and tedious sales pitch for Skippy Spiering’s Apartment Complex Masquerading as Agri-Tourism proposal for blighting Hecker Pass. Trouble is, the promotional talk that touched on and attempted to...

Even ‘safe and sane’ fireworks need some common sense

Don’t be misled by so-called “safe and sane” fireworks on this holiday, or any other. These sparklers can still blind and burn skin. They can ignite housefires and wildfires. They can kill or maim pets. The “safe and sane” designation assumes another very important ingredient:...

Voters still turn away

Nearly 29,000 San Benito County adults were registered to vote in the June 5 primary. In neighboring Santa Clara County, the number of registered voters was a record, approaching 850,000. The “turnout”—the percentage of registered voters that actually cast ballots—was considered above average for...

