Guest Column: Water, Water Everywhere…Is The Drought Over?
Some of our reservoirs are spilling—is the drought over?
Editorial: Half a Cent for Billions of Transit
Four out of every five people you see in Gilroy work somewhere else. Even the majority of the City Council—including the mayor and vice mayor—commute to San Jose or further for work.
Sign on the Line for Big Bucks
What would you pay for a photo of you and the three stars of the movie Back to the Future, Michael J. Fox, Christopher Lloyd and Lea Thompson?
Guest Column: November’s Election
This November’s election will be hugely important for Gilroy and for the nation as a whole. Not only will it be a test of our presidential election system, but it will be an opportunity for Gilroy residents to vote for a mayor and three council members of their choice. Mayor Woodward, Cat Tucker, Teri Aulman and Daniel Harney all finish their terms at that time. This is an exciting moment in the history of our democracy. I hope that Gilroy residents will register to vote if they haven’t already, and that all registered voters express their wishes at the polls.
Editorial: Embarrassing to Forget Black History Month
No library in the Santa Clara County Library system is required to recognize Black History Month or share its meaning and goals with patrons. So when Sandy Haro walked into the Gilroy Library in February and saw no BHM display, she asked questions.
OPINION: Annexation Would Be Good for Gilroy
LAFCO’S 1984 report is the example of what smart growth is truly all about. This same report was then extended in 2006, and again in 2014, without modifications, 30-plus years!
Editorial: Voters will have the final word on growth
A year ago, the city and the Gilroy General Plan Advisory Committee invited the public to “to help choose a future growth plan for Gilroy.”
Editorial: A bag mistake
Being unique can sometimes be a source of pride, but when it comes to a plastic bag ordinance, Gilroy’s failure to act is a bit embarrassing. Every city of any consequence in Santa Clara County has clamped down on single-use plastic bags. Milpitas, one of the last holdouts, passed a ban that went into effect on Jan. 1.
Your View: Public relations disaster
It was disappointing to see the article attempting to humanize the spokesperson who is being paid to sell Gilroy residents on a housing project to which we have publicly voiced our opposition. That said, what was most concerning—and left me scratching my head—were her comments specific to the proposal.