Dear Editor
I wanted to send this response to the opinion letter sent by
Matthew Gerst regarding the president’s stance on the banning of
the morning after pill.
Dear Editor

I wanted to send this response to the opinion letter sent by Matthew Gerst regarding the president’s stance on the banning of the morning after pill. Mr. Gerst fails to mention that this baby-killing pill that he is so crazy about just killed a teenage girl age 16 in Pleasanton just a few months ago.

In addition to this bit of news that you will not read about in SF Chronicle (the most liberal newspaper in the state) you also will not read about it’s effect on women in Europe either. This pill has been responsible for many reported deaths and complications that Mr. Gerst’s heroes (the money-driven scientists) will not expose either.

Mr. Gerst is also so concerned about the polluted air over New York City that might be harmful to people of New York, yet he doesn’t hesitate for one second to support dropping poison on top of a living being in a mother’s womb. What kind of a human are you, sir? Do you have your facts and information mixed up or what?

If you stand so firmly for the pollution that’s affecting lives in New York City, you should have the same respect for the life that exists in a mother’s womb from the moment of conception.

Did your so-called heroes mislead you in that fact? Or do you really think we all come from test tubes? How would you like it if someone woke up one morning and decided that you are not worth living and are nothing but a mistake caused by an itch in someone’s pants and poured acid all over you to get rid of you? That’s what morning after pill is. To promote it is to promote irresponsibility in the first place and secondly you and your scientist heroes are a bunch of liars with no respect for life.

Thanks be to God for a president with moral values that are lacking in people like Mr. Gerst and his hero scientists.

Mr. Bush is my hero in this case and if those little lives in every mother’s womb had a chance to speak, they would say the same thing. That is why your friends want to kill them in the silence of the precious womb of a mother where no one can hear their cries for help.

Get a life and let others have one, too.

David M. Kaeini, Gilroy

Submitted Thursday, May 27 to ed****@ga****.com

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