Red Phone
music in the park, psychedelic furs

Dear Red Phone,
“I’m calling to find out about a group I’ve been witnessing clean up the areas of Lewis Street all the way down to the Garlic Farm. I actually stopped to see because I live in the neighborhood and I see them on random days collecting garbage. Sometimes in large dark green bags, which I understand are part of the city clean up. I asked where they formed and they said a gentleman was mentoring as part of a city volunteer clean up. I’m just wondering if anyone knows who this group is. They said they live in the streets and want to keep their environment clean while they’re living there. They’re doing a great job and thought someone should acknowledge the group.”
Dear reader, here is a response to your question from City Public Information Officer Joe Kline. We hope you find this helpful.
“The clean-up crew that is referenced is part of the City’s Adopt-a-Spot program, where individuals or community groups volunteer to pick up trash, etc. in designated parts of the community. This particular crew is led by Al Lujan. Al is part of the Adopt-a-Spot program and has been very motivated and instrumental in enlisting the support of other community members to help maintain his area. As with other Adopt-a-Spot areas, sometimes the designated person does enlist the help of friends, family and others to keep an area clean.”
For more information on the Adopt a Spot program, please call Susan Voss at 408-846-0418. 
RE: “Staff is reminded to minimize irrigation runoff”
Dear Red Phone,
“You ran the article last week in Red Phone about the City of Gilroy’s watering of the parks. I see their point, they have to keep the parks green. But, I think they can consider – and I think you’ve helped – to maybe cut back on the water somewhat. The grass will still look nice, without flooding, without soggy pathways. So thank you for bringing it to the public’s eyesight.”
Red Phone: Dear reader, wonderful news, thanks for writing in. Red Phone’s happy to be a good community partner when it comes to civic improvement and it’s great when residents keep a “red” eye out for things.

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