1. Refreshing simple concept with far-reaching possibilities
The nascent movement known as Rally Round Downtown Gilroy has caught our eye – and our heart.
It’s a refreshingly simple concept – sort of an economic flash mob designed to open up eyes about what’s available downtown and, simultaneously, support business via social event gatherings.
The Nine Lives Club and Garlic City Billiards were the first two locations where the “cash mob” showed up. Getting the word out through email, social networking and the fledgling website www.rallyroundowntowngilroy.com, the events have been a success.
2. ‘Cash mob’ a great way to meet people and support downtown
Garlic City Billiards filled up the tables and the cash register while the participants enjoyed extended time with new and old friends firing the cue ball and enjoying pizza from Pinnochio’s. Besides having a good time, the “cash mob” crowd understands it’s making a difference in supporting the independent businesses which occupy the heart of our community.
The whole effort will have ancillary benefits as it gathers steam, too. More people downtown will expose the area – both its strengths and its weaknesses. With more people spending time downtown, more ideas will naturally surface and a core group that really cares about the heart of
3. Spending time and money the only way to lift up downtown
Gilroy might begin to take on certain issues. It’s the kind of grassroots effort that starts small and ends up having a ton of influence on what happens in our community.
It’s exciting to see such a positive effort that’s totally independent and mission oriented.
What downtown needs is persistent and determined community support. That’s what’s going to help bring a deli and a bakery and a … well, fill in the blank with your favorite option.
Rally Round Downtown Gilroy could be a key to putting some muscle into moving that transformation along. We’re happy to see the movement surface and encourage everyone to check it out. It’s our downtown after all, and it’s only going to improve if we spend time and money there.