Red Phone: Low branches need to be cut

I’m calling about garage sales. I thought you could only have
one garage sale a month and you need a permit.
“I’m calling about garage sales. I thought you could only have one garage sale a month and you need a permit. We have people on the 8200 block of Wayland Avenue who have a garage sale every single Friday. They sell furniture – a lot of furniture. I’ve called the city of Gilroy, and they don’t seem to care. I thought maybe the Red Phone could do something about it. They have an old car in front of their house that’s for sale. It’s been like that for three months. It’s got a broken windshield. It’s a BMW. And these people are here every single Friday with a garage sale. I’d appreciate if you’d look into it and see what can be done.”

Red Phone: Dear No More Junk, You are correct in that garage sales can’t be held on a regular basis at the same location.

Actually Gilroy Municipal Code 13.44 lays out some fairly strict rules regarding garage sales that many people don’t follow. It states that a garage sale can be held only once a year for a period of seven days, and a permit, which is free, must be obtained from the city.

It also states that a garage sale “is defined as a sale conducted entirely within a residence or garage between the hours of 8 a.m. and 8 p.m. by the resident thereof of personal property owned by him for at least one year prior to the date of sale and not acquired for the purpose of resale.” So that means early birds are out luck as well those who want to get rid of any unwanted Christmas presents.

“We see a lot of repeat customers selling the same old junk every time,” said South Valley Classified Representative Kelly Sinon. “You wonder why they don’t just throw it out.”

City Code Enforcement officer Scott Barron said the city doesn’t have the resources to go out and monitor garage sales, but he said they do follow up on individual complaints.

“Generally we are not proactive on the enforcement of garage sales,” he said. ‘However when we receive complaints, we strive to follow up on them like any other violation of municipal code that is brought to our attention. Obviously life safety issues would take precedence. On the surface, it does appear to be trivial. However occasionally garage sales set up by industrious individuals can grow in size and frequency to resemble a commercial retail operation set up in a residential area. This can have a significant impact on a quiet residential neighborhood. The Zoning Ordinance has guidelines that must be followed regarding home occupations in addition to municipal code requirements for garage sales.”

So while it appears the city doesn’t strictly enforce the garage sale requirements, you can register your complaint with the city at 846-0264. And let the Red Phone know how it goes.

Note: shameless plug is next. If you want to place a classified garage sale ad, you can call South Valley Classified at (800) 599-9228.

Hazardous left-turn lanes

Note: The following is in response to a reader’s suggestion that the left turn lane be restriped on Camino Arroyo and Pacheco Pass.

“I agree, but a solution might be solid lines. Many out of town folks turn into the wrong lanes, and I’ve been cut off many times and I’m in a big truck. This is truly a big accident waiting to happen!

Red Phone: Dear Draw the Lines, Red Phone passed on your suggestion to the city. You should hopefully see the turn lanes painted real soon.

City Engineer Don Dey put in a request to have the lanes restriped.

“I know they have been doing some work recently in the downtown on Monterey Road but am not sure when they will be able to get out there,” he said.

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