music in the park, psychedelic furs

– Two events this week will call attention to sexual assault,
and a local agency that provides services for victims of sexual
violence is asking South County residents to participate.
Community Solutions is encouraging people to wear denim on

Denim Day,

to express support for rape victims
By Lori Stuenkel

Gilroy – Two events this week will call attention to sexual assault, and a local agency that provides services for victims of sexual violence is asking South County residents to participate.

Community Solutions is encouraging people to wear denim on Wednesday, “Denim Day,” to express support for rape victims. On Friday, April 29, from 4 to 5pm, the non-profit is organizing a “March Against Rape” that will start at Old City Hall and is the first event of its kind locally.

“We are trying to raise awareness to the issue (of rape) and to bring awareness about the resources that are available,” said Perla Flores, assistant director of the solutions to violence department of Community Solutions, a non-profit human services agency that offers a wide spectrum of services for sexual assault, domestic violence, and other issues.

Both events are part of National Sexual Assault Awareness Month, recognized in April.

Denim Day is to protest a 1999 decision by the Italian Supreme Court of Appeals, which overturned a rape conviction because the victim was wearing jeans when she was attacked. The court judges said it would have been too difficult to remove a pair of jeans without the victim’s cooperation.

“In response to that, thousands of women and agencies around the world shipped (the judges) jeans,” Flores said.

People can wear denim on Wednesday to signify that what a person is wearing has nothing to do with being sexually assaulted.

There were 488 rapes reported in Santa Clara County in 2000, according to FBI statistics. In 2003, 14 rapes were reported in Gilroy, while 7 were reported in Morgan Hill and 10 in Hollister.

Friday’s March Against Rape will involve the entire South County community in being a support system for rape victims and raising awareness, Flores said.

“We’re trying to reach out and say, ‘Rape is not a Community Solutions issue … this is your issue. Come and be a part of the fight against it’,” Flores said.

Any interested South County resident is invited to participate in the march, which will end at the Community Solutions office at 6980 Chestnut St., where local service providers will distribute health and safety information.

Participating in the march will be staff members and volunteers of Community Solutions, along with partner agencies from around the county. Mounted units with the Gilroy Police Department will act as escorts, and Aztec dancers with Esplendor Azteca from San Jose will lead the marchers.

The march could become an annual event, depending on Friday’s turnout, Flores said.

She sees the need for educating people who participate in the march, and others.

“We find time after time – especially when we do presentations to youths in high school or college – there’s this myth that rape happens to the young blonde with the really nice body, and rape is about sex when it’s really about power and control,” Flores said. “Regardless of what your appearance is, regardless of what your social status is.”

Anyone who wants to participate in the March Against Rape may go to Old City Hall before 4pm Friday. Community Solutions welcomes volunteers to help, or people with tips to call Amy Molica at 846-4751.

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