music in the park, psychedelic furs

Dear Editor, I fully agree with the suggestions in your recent
I would like to suggest further that the Gilroy Unified School
District Board of Trustees to add one addition condition to future
Superintendent’s Contract Should Work Both Ways

Dear Editor,

I fully agree with the suggestions in your recent editorial.

I would like to suggest further that the Gilroy Unified School District Board of Trustees to add one addition condition to future contracts. That is, should a superintendent decide to break the contract and leave prior to the end of the contract, the superintendent should at least reimburse the district for the cost to search for the successor.

This is only fair, because in the case that the district decides to terminate a superintendent prior to end of the contract, the district must buy out the remainder of the contract. It is only right to have a two-way contract, with conditions such as the district can with hold pay to cover the fees incurred for the search process and a reasonable notice period with minimal interruption (e.g. end of the school year).

We have the chance to negotiate these conditions into the contract with all superintendent applicants in the current hiring process. I also think that this should apply to all personnel that are under public contract.

Kai Lai, Gilroy

Shame on City Council; Give All the Officers a Pay Raise

Dear Editor,

Our city government is getting to be more like the Bush administration.

Shame on the City Council for not demanding to be kept informed.

I fully supported the new police building because I thought our police leaders had the integrity and were sincere in their leadership role.

I think that the beat officers should be given a substantial pay raise to match the chief and assistant chief.

Edward P. Sanchez, Gilroy

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