music in the park, psychedelic furs

Local pet lovers and newspaper readers alike are familiar with
Dr. Pete Keesling: columnist, veterinarian and TV personality. I’m
happy to report that Dr. Pete has made a return to television on
our very own local channels. His program,

Dr. Pete’s Petpourri,

is airing this week on CMAP’s Public Access Channel 20.
Local pet lovers and newspaper readers alike are familiar with Dr. Pete Keesling: columnist, veterinarian and TV personality. I’m happy to report that Dr. Pete has made a return to television on our very own local channels. His program, “Dr. Pete’s Petpourri,” is airing this week on CMAP’s Public Access Channel 20.

Years ago, when I was living in San Mateo, or maybe it was even San Francisco, I remember channel surfing and seeing an adorable bulldog slurping from a water bowl. I immediately tossed the remote and went gaga over the dog.

Have always been a big bulldog fan. Lo and behold, it was a live call-in show for pet owners on a local PBS station.

Years later when I came to work in Gilroy, I was thrilled to hear that the show’s host not only has a local practice, but was interested in starting up his program again on our local channels.

It’s taken some time to get the show off the ground, but “Dr. Pete’s Petpourri” made its return to the studio recently, featuring guests of all kinds – Newfoundlands, tabbies, bulldogs, oh – and yes – humans.

This first episode has some amazing footage of a water rescue exercise with Newfoundlands. You’ll hear guest Pam Rubio, from the Newfoundland Club of America, talk about the drills the dogs go through to rescue people from ocean waters.

There’s even footage of a dog pulling a boat holding a couple of people all the way to shore. These are some strong pooches.

I’d have to say that my favorite segment was the one on the pet chiropractor. I thought I was seeing things when I saw the guest doing a chiropractic adjustment on a horse. Yes, a horse!

The chiropractor also does in-studio adjustments to a special guest of the four-legged variety named Echo.

If you’re a sucker for cute furry faces, you may want to turn away from the screen when the animals up for adoption visit the studio.

I’m reminded of when my sister had to quit volunteering at the SPCA because she kept adopting the bunnies that were brought in. Those little guys are irresistible.

Check out “Dr. Pete’s Petpourri” on CMAP’s Public Access Cable Channel 20 on Saturday, June 11 at 3:30pm. Future repeats are listed on CMAP’s Web site at

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