Present and Future Motoring in Gilroy
music in the park, psychedelic furs

What is the white stuff they spray on garlic about a week before
they pull it?
What is that suspicious white powder on garlic?

What is the white stuff they spray on garlic about a week before they pull it?

Red Phone:

Dear Garlic Breath: You may have confused onions for garlic. Bill Christopher, managing partner of Christopher Ranch, the country’s largest garlic grower, said they spray a white chemical on onions weeks before harvest to prevent sunburn, and that could’ve been what the caller saw since it’s been so hot this week.

What’s up with lazy

homeowners and their signs?

I thought I understood the city was going to start charging people for putting up garage sale signs all over town. Last Saturday’s sale signs are still up. Let’s charge them $25. If they have enough energy to put them up, they should have enough energy to remove them.

Red Phone:

Dear Sign Post: There is no charge for posting signs advertising garage sales; however, according to Gilroy City Code, “a person may obtain a license to conduct a “garage sale” at his place of residence for a period not to exceed seven (7) days once each year. Such license shall state the name of the licensee, the location or address where the sale is to be conducted, and the permitted dates of sale.

Meanwhile, according to city code, it is unlawful for any person, except a public officer or employee in performance of a public duty, to paste, print, nail, tack or otherwise fasten any card, banner, handbill, sign, poster or advertisement or notice of any kind, or cause the same to be done on any curbstone, lamppost, pole, hitching post, hydrant, bridge or tree upon a public street or public property within the city. So it appears those signs are illegal, unless posted on private property. Red Phone is an avid garage sale visitor, but does wish residents would get off their lazy behinds and remove them promptly.

Kids and MOMmies in

SUV’s, hang up and drive!

I thought there was a law against talking on the phone and driving. I sure see a lot of young kids talking on the phone while they’re driving, and women too.

Red Phone:

Dear Bumper Cars: Yes, California outlawed the practice of speaking on a hand-held cell phone while driving, but it does not go into effect until Jan. 2008, apparently users need a year to drive to an electronic store and purchase a hands-free device for their cell phone. And, dear caller, I don’t think it’s just young kids and women. Red Phone has seen men, and even a police officer or two chatting away while driving.

As far as whether it’s dangerous. A study released in April 2006 found that almost 80 percent of crashes and 65 percent of near-crashes involved some form of driver inattention within three seconds of the event. The study found that the most common distraction is the use of cell phones, followed by drowsiness. However, cell-phone use is far less likely to be the cause of a crash or near-miss than reaching for a moving object such as a falling cup, which raises the chance of a crash nine times. Talking on a hand-held cell phone increased the risk by 1.3 times.. So, I guess we all just need to be more attentive while we’re driving. Got it Gilroy?!

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