Dumping into the creek:

There is a little creek that feeds into the Uvas, that flows at
the entrance to Solarsano School. In that creek, if you go down the
road … someone has dumped three large wooden spools. Like spools
that construction workers use, wiring projects. There are three
large spools in that creek and they’ve been there for quite a while

Dumping into the creek: “There is a little creek that feeds into the Uvas, that flows at the entrance to Solarsano School. In that creek, if you go down the road … someone has dumped three large wooden spools. Like spools that construction workers use, wiring projects. There are three large spools in that creek and they’ve been there for quite a while now.”

• “I walk along the middle school between Eagle Ridge and Christmas Hill Park, I think it’s Ascension Middle School. There’s a small creek that goes down to the creek and there are three large wooden spools, like you would put telephone cable on and someone has rolled them into the creek. … no one has picked them up. I was wondering if the Red Phone could take care of that. I think it deters from the beauty of that area and we need to keep the trash out of the creek. If you could help me that would be great.”

After phone calls to and messages left with the City of Gilroy, the Red Phone received a call back from the Community Services Department that notified it that the messages had been received and that the large, wooden spools in Uvas Creek by Solorsano gym have been removed.

What does it all mean?: “I live in Gilroy, on the west side, and I’ve noticed the front of my house has been tagged several times, once with flourescent orange paint and now with flourescent green paint. They’ve done this at the curb. They’ve also done it to my neighbor’s house. I’m just wondering what the marks mean. I was wondering if you could help me answer that question.”

The Red Phone made several calls trying to figure out what exactly these strange markings are. And just when it was about to chalk it up to aliens – like crop circles – it got a call back from Zoë Ferrant, office assistant with the City of Gilroy’s engineering department, who helped make sense of it all.

“I do know what those spray paint colors mean. It means that they are going to be doing digging for some sort of work. If it’s the green spray paint, it means they’ll be doing sewer or storm drain digging and if it’s the orange, they’ll be doing cable and communication digging. They have different colors for different types of work that they do.”

You turkeys!: “Red Phone! Hey, I’m looking at Tuesday’s paper, on the inside of the front page and there’s a great picture of a cow and some turkeys. I love these pictures, you guys do a great job with the pictures. It says they’re female turkeys. I guess you meant hen turkeys. But don’t tell anybody, those are actually toms. But I didn’t name them, they’re tom turkeys, male turkeys, man turkeys. Keep up the good work – I just had to poke some fun. Keep it up.”

Caller, the Red Phone and the Dispatch photographers are always open to a little enlightenment – especially when it comes to male and female turkeys. A good ribbing every now and then keeps the Dispatch staff on its toes – and the Red Phone too. And, OK, the Red Phone won’t tell anybody if you don’t.

Here’s our number: “My husband, Allen, has been keeping rain totals since 1992. I noticed that in the article there was someone wondering what the rain total is this year. Through Feb. 27, Gilroy has had, according to our records, 25 1/2 inches of rain.”

Thanks for the information. On behalf of everyone curious about this season’s total, the Red Phone gives a big shout out to Allen and thanks him for keeping track of such numbers.

Also, for anyone who may have missed it, check out Thursday’s Dispatch for an article on the recent storms, up-and-coming spring and a list of the rain totals for the past five years – courtesy of the Santa Clara Valley Water District.

Readers: Know of a situation with a streetlight? Problems with potholes? The Red Phone is here to listen to your troubles and woes (but encourages happy thoughts) and do its best to find answers to your burning questions, so call at 842-9070 or send e-mail to re******@gi************.com.

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