Explosion aftermath at Boston Marathon
music in the park, psychedelic furs

Two South County residents participated in the Boston Marathon today, where two massive explosions detonated at the finish line, instantly turning a beloved international athletic event to a chaotic scene of gruesome deaths and injuries. 

Trevor Gamba, 43 of Gilroy and Tracy Christensen, 32 of Morgan Hill had finished the race by the time the finish line went up in smoke, according to the Boston Athletic Association, which publishes marathon results for all runners. The two finished roughly 20 and 35 and minutes before the explosion, which occurred four hours into the marathon. 

Multiple news sources reported a third loud explosion just before 1 p.m. Pacific Standard Time.

By Tuesday morning, National Public Radio reported that three people were confirmed dead and more than 170 were injured. 

When asked if the explosions are part of a terrorist attack, the Boston Police Commissioner said, “you can draw your own conclusions based on what happened,” according to multiple Twitter reports.

Craig Lore of the South Valley Running Club confirmed that Christensen was unharmed in Boston. 

Christensen spoke to the Dispatch from her hotel in Cambridge later in the afternoon. 

“I was two or three blocks and around the corner, so I couldn’t see it. But I heard them. Two of them, right after each other. I thought it was thunder,” Christensen said. 

Christensen said subway lines in the city were down, so she made the three mile walk – after having just ran 26.2 miles – to her hotel. 

She said the streets near the explosions cleared quickly in the aftermath of the explosions. 

“I saw someone screaming in complete hysteria, and there were dozens of police cars. It’s just crazy. It’s a terrible tragic thing,” Christensen said. 

The Dispatch has received no reports on Gamba’s condition. 

Updates will be posted as they become available.

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