52.4 F
March 19, 2025

Hunting Pokémon

Last Wednesday is a day that will live in infamy. Well, maybe not infamy, but it is a day that my family will forever remember as the day Mom downloaded Pokémon Go and lost her ever-loving mind. So yeah, no infamy, but a whole lot of crazy. I may be slightly obsessed by it. And by slightly I mean I spend lots of time trying to figure out the darn game.

Cricket and car shows

On a recent Sunday afternoon, a group of us followed the Wine Trail of Santa Clara Valley and stopped in at Kirigin Cellars, which has been making wine on the property since 1916. There are so many things to love about Kirigin Cellars: to start with, their expansive property comprises rolling vineyards, over 1000 rose bushes and 100 sequoia redwoods.

Big election, fast market

This year’s divisive general election has caused some voters to threaten to move to Canada should their candidate fail to win the White House.

Seoul food

In an atmosphere where the din of clamoring forks and plates rises slightly above the conversation with servers bustling back and forth in traditional dress, the familiar aroma of grilling meats fills the air and fuels my primal instincts.

Budding artists

South Valley residents have probably already seen her talents displayed under the bridges on the Gilroy levee walk or on one of the many painted utility boxes scattered about Gilroy.

Hot treasured cloves

Don Christopher, the founder of the country’s biggest garlic producer, Christopher Ranch, started 60 years ago in Gilroy with 12 acres of the spicy bulb, sandwiched between his main crops, lima beans and sugar beets.  The man who was then known as the king of garlic, Joe Gubser, asked Christopher to plant some bulbs for him. He sold the garlic to Gubser for 9 cents a pound.

Top wines to pair with the stinking rose

I love living in Gilroy. We’ve got the natural beauty of open space (for now, anyway), mountains all around us, an extremely friendly community, the Premium Outlets and best of all, a dozen or so awesome wineries right in our very own backyard.

‘Confederates’ a well done lesson in media handling

The 47th TheatreWorks Silicon Valley season starts out with a strong production that fits well with current events. Confederates is set during a presidential campaign with a “snag.” The people who find it, work it, providing an example of how far the media will go get the story while staying within the law. It’s a story of how one almost innocent mistake can upset an entire future. Superbly written by playwright Suzanne Bradlbeer, three magnificent actors show how they manage the situation at hand.

Visiting Gold Country

The first prospectors to arrived in California after James Marshall's discovery of gold at Sutter's Mill struck pay dirt with relative ease. Through panning and light placer mining techniques, miners could harvest gold that had washed into the creek beds. After only a few years, most of the easily reached gold was gone.

‘Beauty and the Beast Jr.’ a delightful romp

The city of Gilroy Recreation Department and the Gilroy Children’s Theatre, led by director Hillary Little, have brought the Disney musical production of Beauty and the Beast Jr. to Gilroy High School Theatre. Fifty-plus kids 6 to 16 gather and have as much fun as the audience. Mothers, fathers, aunts and uncles and grandparents in the audience whoop it up and support the kids in a formative theatrical adventure.

