44.6 F
March 14, 2025

Chamber to host legislative summit

Washington and Sacramento politicians and local elected officials will be descending upon Gilroy next month to discuss policy issues and how they impact South County residents. The Gilroy Chamber of Commerce is hosting its sixth annual Legislative Summit on Friday, April 26 from 11am to...

CHP to conduct St. Patrick’s Day checkpoint

The Hollister-Gilroy office of the California highway Patrol will conduct a DUI and driver license checkpoint on St. Patrick’s Day, March 17, 2019, within an unincorporated area of south Santa Clara County.

GUSD teacher featured in county PSA series

South Valley Middle School teacher Rachael Cornaggia was featured in the latest edition of Santa Clara County Office of Education’s “Why I Teach” video public service announcement series in support of the 2019 Teacher Recruitment Fair. In the seventh installment of the series, 2018 Teacher...

Create your Garlic Fest poster

Spice up your art portfolio and enter the 2019 Gilroy Garlic Festival Art Poster Contest. Artists across the country are being invited to submit their original artwork for the chance to win cash prizes in the 2019 contest. The winning entry will be reproduced as a...

Manhunt: Homeless man sought for San Martin rape

A month after rape suspect Sharwian Bobian was released from jail, law enforcement officers are searching for him. He is accused of false imprisonment and involuntary sex with a woman who brought food and provisions to his makeshift shelter. The Santa Clara County District Attorney’s...

Latino family fund raises money for charities

A few years ago 16-year-old Lizeth Villarreal would have never given a speech like the one she gave Jan. 25. She admitted to a room filled with community leaders that as a middle school student she had suffered from stage fright and was a quiet...

South Valley sees heavy rain

The city of Gilroy sent out email alerts early last week warning residents to get prepared for the storm that was about to hit Northern California. According to the National Weather Service, Gilroy saw 2.21 inches of rain from Tuesday, Jan. 15 and Thursday, Jan....

Water district gives rainwater capture rebates

The Santa Clara Valley Water District is launching a new set of rebates to help Santa Clara County residents continue making conservation a lifestyle.The water district now offers rainwater capture rebates within its Landscape Rebate Program. Rain gardens, rain barrels and cisterns are all...

Court seeks candidates for public watchdog

The Superior Court of California, County of Santa Clara is recruiting volunteers for the 2019-2020 Civil Grand Jury. The Civil Grand Jury, an arm of the Superior Court, is a part of the judicial branch of government. It serves as the county’s civil watchdog agency and...

Cisco gives $50 million to help the homeless

Homeless services non-profit Destination: Home has announced a five-year, $50 million commitment from networking-hardware company Cisco in support of its efforts to end homelessness in Santa Clara County. The funds will be used by the public-private partnership to maximize the impact of local strategies aimed...

