music in the park, psychedelic furs

Letters on the water district and unfair charges related to
perchlorate, the water district resolution to boycott Arizona
because of the state’s new immigration law and endorsements for
Janet Barnes and Luis Alejo in the Assembly race
Water district trying to soak San Martin residents in perchlorate zone

Dear Editor,

I’d like to make public this letter to Santa Clara County Supervisor Don Gage.

I have six acres in San Martin. The Santa Clara Valley Water District assisted in the cleanup of the perchlorate water issue several years ago which I understand cost them millions of dollars over time.

Recently, I found that they sued Olin Corp., the company responsible for the contamination and lost the suit. In addition to this I just heard that they are NOW seeking to charge US for the entire cost of their bill included in our well pump taxes.

Many of us in San Martin had our wells tested and NEVER had the perchlorate problem at our residence nor received and direct benefit from the SCVWD’s efforts. I don’t understand how they are allowed to continuously bill us for something we never received any benefit from. The district seems to think they can simply pass on their costs to anyone at will, without seeking voter approval to do so. They have done this many times now including charging anyone for water in South County outside Prop. 218 since 1997 when it took effect to present. They know they have been collecting over $500 million now for many years outside what the law allows. I don’t understand why they think they are above the law. I would be sued in a minute if I had done such things.

They have plenty of attorneys advising them how they can get around the law mainly sponsored with OUR funds for quite some time. We are basically fighting ourselves with our own money.

I am seeking damage for the Prop. 218 issue in court as did Great Oaks Water Co. last year which is in appeals now. My court date is in August in Morgan Hill. I am asking for your guidance on the perchlorate charge issue.

I just don’t understand how a public company can be allowed to continue to be as arrogant as the SCVWD and do whatever they want. I am not only angry but surprised that there isn’t any oversight. The district says that they take everything to their Board of Directors for approval but their board is paid by them and is supposed to represent each district in the county. Does anyone care?

Steve Coney, San Martin

The Golden Quill is awarded occasionally for a well-written letter.

Cy Mann did a good job watering down the anti-Arizona resolution

Dear Editor,

I watched the video of the Board of Directors meeting of the Santa Clara Valley Water District with Chair Richard Santos and his keen interest in a proposed resolution urging repeal of Arizona Law SB 1070 and a boycott of Arizona.  

The resolution, prepared by Rick Callender, the District’s Government Relations Manager, was the brainchild of Chair Richard Santos, who stated prior to the meeting that the Arizona Law was “one step away from internment camps,” and during the meeting said it was wrong, and needed to be changed because it constitutes racial profiling. 

The public form lasted more than two hours with more people speaking against the resolution. Those speaking against, included many county residents, veterans, and the general public, were mostly in agreement that immigration law is a federal issue and not an area that the water board should waste their time and taxpayer’s money on. Those supporting the resolution, including representatives from La Raza, the Hispanic Chamber of Commerce, South Bay Labor Council, and various churches, believed that Arizona was unjustly profiling Latinos based on their skin color.

When the directors began their discussion, I was stunned by certain statements, especially one in particular by Director Rosemary Kamei. She stated that this is the only country that has taken citizens and put them into internment camps, and says you are GUILTY until proven INNOCENT.

First, perhaps she should look into other countries and their internment policies (with no trial). Secondly, I am beyond disgusted that an elected official would state something so contrary to our country’s Rule of Law. This woman should be reprimanded for the abominable statement that we are guilty until proven innocent as it relates to the Arizona law. What kind of representative spreads such false propaganda? 

Fortunately there were two directors, Cy Mann and Larry Wilson, who were able to move the meeting to a logical resolution. Director Mann stated, “we are a government agency, and we have the obligation to listen to our constituents – we represent you. I think regarding this particular item, even though it’s not water related, you are our constituents, and we have to listen.” Director Wilson said, “I do not believe it’s the role of this board to get involved with issues of this nature.” 

Director Mann also stated, “concerning the boycott, how will it effect labor and small business owners, and the collateral economic damage this will cause? I don’t think we should be using water money for this particular issue, and I’m more than happy to give anyone $200 to put a letter together and send it to the President of the United States and the United States Congress to get Immigration reform together NOW. We need to stop creating divisions. Our borders are to be protected by the federal government. Racial profiling is very wrong and I’m totally opposed to it. Whether it exists is according to your perspective. I’ve yet to be pulled over because of my skin color. I’m of East Indian descent. I’m not apologizing for the color of my skin. I will not have an emotional decision for this.” 

BRAVO, Director Mann! 

The board was forced to remove two-thirds of the language of resolution with the strong voice of Director Mann, simply resolve a single sentence: that  “the CEO [should] order all District departments to prohibit the use of District funds for official business, attendance at conventions, meetings, or other events in the State of Arizona, unless critical to the mission of the district.”  

They also decided to send the suggested letter to the federal representatives in Washington, and the president, since other states are proposing to adopt a similar law to Arizona’s. It is amazing that a water board would go to such radical lengths to make emotional decisions that are beyond their purview. I am also grateful that there are logical leaders such as Cy Mann and Larry Wilson who can govern without emotion and with great wisdom. 

Irene Whiteside, Gilroy

Assembly candidate Janet Barnes won’t pander to special interests

Dear Editor,

Last week, the Salinas Local of SEIU sent out a hit piece blaming Janet Barnes for the gang problem and 29 murders in Salinas in 2009. It claims Janet cut the police budget and caused the crime problem. The city web site reveals that six of the seven council members voted in favor of the reduction of the city budget, which was forced upon the city by the state taking $60 million of the city’s revenue over the past two years. Janet couldn’t do it by herself.  

Today, all registered Democrats received another slick mailer. It was from the Opportunity Political Action Committee in Pasadena. It too blames Janet’s budget cutting for Salinas’ crime problem. Why do you suppose a Pasadena organization sent this to our area?

A visit to their web site reveals that their biggest contributor is the California State Council of Service Employees Small Contributor Committee, which contributed the “small” amount of $225,000.

Clicking on their web address leads directly to the state SEIU web site. A little more internet checking lead to the website of Janet’s opponent in the Assembly race, Watsonville Mayor Luis Alejo, who lists SEIU as one of his supporters.  

I can’t vote for Janet in the primary because I’m a Republican, but I’ve admired her ability to work with other city council members over the years. She is the moderate needed in the legislature to actually solve problems instead of pandering to special interests (SEIU?) and refusing to work with others because of extreme ideological stubbornness.  

Wayne A. Schapper, Salinas

Assembly candidate Luis Alejo has written about increasing jobs

Dear Editor,

The June 8th election nears, and it is a good time to reflect on who are the best candidates to support. I am in Assembly District 27 next door to AD28 in Morgan Hill, and I have attended many candidate forums with the three candidates running as Democrats for AD28.

I am a member of the local Democratic club which clearly endorsed Luis Alejo for this seat. Although the other two candidates are smart and somewhat interesting to hear, Luis stands above the rest. He is a man of integrity, knowledge, and understands the needs of his hometown, Watsonville, as well as Salinas, Gilroy, San Benito county and parts of south San Jose.

He has written a book about keeping and increasing jobs in California.

I recommend everyone come down to find out more or go onto his website. Time for change and time for a person who understands the needs of AD28. Vote Luis Alejo!

Daniel J. Kenney, Morgan Hill

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