music in the park, psychedelic furs

Dear Editor:
Constructive, broad based input from a factual foundation
creates the best possible project for the greatest number of
people. Alternatives have been explored, careful analysis has been
done, and the facts are clear.
Dear Editor:

Constructive, broad based input from a factual foundation creates the best possible project for the greatest number of people. Alternatives have been explored, careful analysis has been done, and the facts are clear. The full BART extension to Milpitas, San Jose and Santa Clara makes sense for many reasons. Shortening the proposed BART extension would reduce project benefits substantially, reduce access, and be more expensive overall.

The ridership numbers for the full project are conservative and sound: 83,600 average weekday riders, including 39,300 new transit riders. That means 25,500 peak period auto trips removed from severely congested roadways each weekday on average. The full BART extension also means travel time savings that average 66,900 hours each weekday.

Benefits for the entire Bay Area region, riders and non-riders alike, include improved air quality, energy savings, improved access to community services and facilities, and additional travel choices for all including environmental justice communities. A significantly greater number of minority, low-income, and transit-dependent people would be served by the full 16.3 mile extension, particularly in the project segment from south of Berryessa through downtown San Jose to Santa Clara.

Taking a piecemeal approach to the project would substantially increase total capital and operating costs with no real advantages. Annual inflation factors increase project costs about $100 million with each year of delay. Termination of the project before Santa Clara would require significant interim maintenance, parking and access capital improvements much of them “throwaway” costs once the full extension in completed. In addition, constructing a maintenance facility on the north end of the extension, if a viable site was even available, to accommodate a shorter segment, decreases operating efficiencies resulting in increased operating costs – costs that recur each year – once the full extension is complete.

The full BART extension remains in the Metropolitan Transportation Commission’s Regional Transportation Plan. Local, state and federal support for the project remains strong. VTA will continue to work with MTC, our transit partners in the region, our state and federal delegation and all our communities to ensure critical projects like this one are completed as soon as possible.

VTA has always acknowledged constraints, challenges, and opportunities in delivering quality projects. Before placing Measure A on the 2000 ballot, VTA openly noted that financial projections show additional operating revenue would be needed to keep bus, light rail and paratransit services at then-current levels. And, that the 30-year, 1/2-cent sales tax measure would enable VTA to cover a portion of operating costs through 2013. That was before the economic downturn. VTA’s current financial scenarios for major capital projects and operate VTA.

To paraphrase Mercury News editorial columnist Joe Rodriguez: If we’re smart, we’ll build a first-rate transportation system – one that makes a car “nice to have,” not a necessity. To accomplish that, we must continue to develop as expeditiously as possible, a balanced transportation program that includes choices for everyone – good roadways, frequent bus and light rail service, improved commuter rail, paratransit for our most fragile seniors and disabled, bikeways and pedestrian access, and, the full BART extension to Milpitas, San Jose and Santa Clara. Our community deserves nothing less, and VTA will continue to pursue all feasible options to deliver just such a transportation package.

Peter M. Cipolla, General Manager of the VTA San Jose, submitted Aug. 6

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