Santa Clara County’s water storage reservoirs are at healthy levels due to the rainy winter, according to Valley Water.
The local water district’s 10 reservoirs are collectively about 130% of their normal water levels for this time of year, Valley Water spokesperson Matt Keller said on Feb. 13.
Keller said last week’s storms were a “big boost” to Valley Water’s reservoir levels, and the state’s snowpack has increased. Statewide reservoir levels are also above average for this time of year.
“This is a positive for our water supply outlook and we have more rain in the forecast,” Keller said. “But we’ll have to wait until the April snowpack survey to get a more finalized look at our supply and how much we’ll receive from our state and federal water allocations.”
According to Valley Water’s website, as of Feb. 16, Coyote Reservoir was about 81% full; Chesbro was about 39% full; and Uvas Reservoir was more than 99% full. Anderson Reservoir was at about 12% of capacity, but the district is keeping it mostly empty while the Anderson Dam Seismic Retrofit Project is under construction.
Rainfall so far this winter measures about 15 inches at West Edmundson Avenue; 14.65 inches at West Little Llagas Creek in Morgan Hill; 12.99 inches at Church Avenue Percolation Ponds; 18.82 inches at Uvas Reservoir; and 14.45 inches at Anderson Dam, according to Valley Water’s website.
More precipitation is expected over the President’s Day holiday weekend, from Feb. 16-19. The National Weather Service on Feb. 16 forecasted 1.5 to 3 inches of rain in the valleys and up to 4 inches in the mountains, starting Friday night. Wind gusts up to 25 mph are also expected.