music in the park, psychedelic furs

Alleyway parking

“I would like to know the city’s policy on parking in alleys. There seems to be various policies, they park all over the alleys and they put up parking and no parking signs. Thank you.”

Red Phone:

It went to Gilroy Police Sgt. John Sheedy to get the scoop.

“Under municipal code there is no parking in the alleyways,” he said. “Some individuals have private parking driveways adjacent to the alleyways. Vehicles parked in these private spots must not be blocking any part of the alley.”

Sheedy added that police use a basic rule of thumb before issuing a $30 citation: Can an emergency vehicle such as a fire truck get through?

Drainage troubles

“Dear Red Phone, can you tell us what is going on a Del Rey Park? Please tell us that they are finally going to fix the drainage problem at Luigi lake, um, I mean, at the big playground. Thank you.”

Red Phone:

City Parks and Facilities Manager Bill Headley believes the city has a fix for this one.

“The basis of everything taking place in the park now is to rectify the long standing, subterranean water drainage problem,” Headley said. “We are currently in the up-slope area of the playground putting in sand channels that will hopefully capture and direct the subterranean water to appropriate drainage pipes. We are counting on this design to finally rectify all the sub-grade drainage problems.”

Let there be light, part II

In last week’s column, the Red Phone answered a call regarding a street light that was burnt out and who to call to get the problem rectified. It recently received a call from one of Gilroy’s community service officers who wanted to pass on some further information.

“Hi Red Phone, where it says let there be light, community members should know that if their street lights are not working, they can call 1-800-LIGHTS ON. They need the pole number and street address. Thank you.”

Red Phone:

Thanks for passing along the information.

Beware fire hazards

“Hey Red Phone, I don’t have a question this time around, though I have a few times before. What I want to say is just to remind people that the grass out there is really dry and has major fire potential. Not that people don’t know that, but I was driving behind some guy in a car yesterday and he flicked a cigarette out the window. It really hit me that, wow, that could have landed in some grass along the side of the highway and started a major burn. People are pretty … stupid sometimes. Thanks for letting me vent. You do a great job. Thank you.”

Red Phone:

Sure thing, good caller. It’s always here to listen to a good venting. C’mon people, it’s hot and dry out there – and let’s not forget it’s windy too. Lots of danger, so think before doing anything stupid.

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