music in the park, psychedelic furs

Dear Editor:
Kat Teraji pipes the

pacifist peacenik mantra

that the

war with Iraq is just a smokescreen for plain old-fashioned U.S.
imperialism and world dominance.

She also cites a letter claiming a

vast majority

oppose such a war.
Dear Editor:

Kat Teraji pipes the “pacifist peacenik mantra” that the “war with Iraq is just a smokescreen for plain old-fashioned U.S. imperialism and world dominance.”

She also cites a letter claiming a “vast majority” oppose such a war. Well, no doubt in the circles that the letter writer in Santa Cruz, Kat and Dennis Taylor hang with, they are only hearing one side of the story. Here are a couple of facts Kat and company omitted.

The leaders in Washington were elected, not “self-professed.” The election is over. Gore lost. Grow up. Next, the fact is, a sizable majority of Americans, like myself, don’t believe we can all get along as the Kumbayah, Anti-American, naive liberals would have us believe. The manifest destiny of radical Muslims is to destroy the West and to kill Christians and Jews. Sept. 11 was just a preview.

I know that “American-hating liberals” have a difficult time believing that anyone would wish us ill. Well, wake up children! The Saudi on the street hates us, the Sudanese on the street hates us, the Iraqi on the street hates us and, just like after the World Trade Center collapsed, there will be dancing in the streets of Islam when the first of 20 missing suitcase nukes is detonated in one of our major cities. THEY HATE US, THEY WANT US DEAD! Pacifism won’t work.

If Kat, Dennis, Molly and all the others are so concerned about the poor, oppressed people in Iraq, they should catch the next plane there and form a human shield around Saddam’s palaces. But be warned, he has been known to gas millions of his own people, including women, children and babies. Where were all you bleeding-heart liberals when that happened?

I am going to give the benefit of the doubt to President Bush, unlike Kat, who seems to hate America, free enterprise and loves socialism and the idea of One World Government. If you believe anything that Saddam and his liberal puppets say, then you are a greater fool that even I thought. As for giving up our sovereignty to the U.N. and the World Court; over my dead body!

Mark Zappa, Gilroy

Submitted Wednesday, Oct. 30 to ed****@ga****.com

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