
Bring Goliath ‘F’ to its knees
Is it really true that our City Council has endorsed a new city slogan? “Drive a little and spend a lot in sales tax greedy Gilroy.”
Measure F on the ballot raises sales taxes. Our City Council is playing Goliath to citizen David. But Gilroy voters have the slingshot to bring Goliath to his knees.
Vote no on F.
Ron Gurries, Gilroy
SCVWD should offer rebates for astroturf
Directors and Management for Santa Clara Valley Water District,
Shame on you for not considering rebates for those customers who replace their green lawns with artificial turf! My wife and I moved up here from southern California where water conservation has been a large issue for a long time. After moving into our home in Morgan Hill, we wanted to replace our existing (1,300 square-foot) green lawn with artificial turf. Not only would be enjoying a green lawn that required NO water, NO gas guzzling mowers and blowers, and NO fertilizers, but also doing our part to cut out water altogether in the spirit of conservation!
Soon after our lawn was taken out, I was told to apply for a water district rebate before the new turf was installed. Upon talking with personnel at the district office, I was told rebates were only available to those who installed drought tolerant plants….not artificial turf! My turf will be installed in the next several weeks. We will enjoy the benefits of a green lawn forever without the headaches of the above mentioned problems of real grass.
We are disappointed that you would not consider rebates for those in the community who took the final step towards conservation by eliminating water altogether. Kathy and I will enjoy our artificial turf but most important we love being residents of the this fine city.
Scott and Kathy Parker, Morgan Hill

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