GOP presidential candidates have the ‘foreign born’ problem
Dear Editor,
Ok – let’s just admit it! We live in a world where “stupid” is becoming the new “smart”. Case in point is The Donald claiming that Obama wasn’t born in America. Not only is this an assault on our collective IQ, but the message actually works against Republicans because it turns out that they are the ones whose presidential candidates are foreign born.
Case in point: 2008 and John McCain. McCain was born in Panama. Although there are likely a number of plausible exceptions, McCain has never explained it. Quite frankly, I’m still curious to hear it.
But McCain wasn’t the first foreign born Republican candidate for president. Mitt Romney’s own father, George Romney, was born in Mexico, yet he ran in the 1968 presidential election. And the reason he was born in Mexico is because his grandfather fled the United States to Mexico so he wouldn’t be arrested because he had five wives. George Bush at least was a real Texan who was born in New Haven, Connecticut.
The way I see it Obama is clearly a naturally born U.S. citizen where Romney is the son of a Mexican immigrant who illegally tried to run for president.
Marc Perkel, Gilroy
When you see the firefighter holding the boot, please give
Dear Editor,
I just wanted to take a minute to let every one know about our upcoming fund raiser to benefit the Muscular Dystrophy Association.
In the last three years we have raised $40,000 from these Fill the Boot events!
On Saturday, June 9 and Sunday, June 10 we will be at the corner of Monterey Road and Tennant Avenue in Morgan Hill to collect money for muscular dystrophy.
There are over 43 muscle diseases and research costs $74 a minute – one hour is $5,100!!!
The money collected goes to help fund this research, pay for power wheel chairs, pay for a week-long summer camp and so much more! Thank you to all who have generously donated in the past!
Herb Alpers, CAL FIRE and SSCCFD

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