music in the park, psychedelic furs

Generous community given praise from a thankful community organization

Dear Editor,

As we enter this season that encourages us to pause and give thanks, I am humbled by the many things we at Community Solutions have to be thankful for:

We are thankful for the privilege of serving our community for the past four decades. On Nov. 3 we celebrated our 40th birthday with a first-time evening gala, filled with loyal supporters, generous donors, and amazing volunteers. It was a fun evening and one that raised much needed dollars for our programs that serve survivors of domestic violence, sexual assault and human trafficking.

Our annual Holiday Giving Program is in full swing and we are so thankful for the countless community members, businesses, churches, and others who adopt families, donate items, and make the season bright for more than 500 kids and adults.

We are thankful that, despite the difficult economic times, our services have continued to expand and our staff has continued to grow. We are also thankful that we will be kicking off the New Year at our new Gilroy office location, at 9015 Murray Ave. and for the ongoing support of the Gilroy community.

Being part of a vibrant and dedicated nonprofit community is something we are thankful for each day, working side-by-side with our partner agencies toward the shared goal of community health and well being.

We are so grateful that this giving spirit lasts throughout the year through our generous and loyal donors. There is a golden thread of goodwill woven throughout South County, binding us all together in a tight knit community of generosity and caring.

We are abundantly grateful for it all.


Erin O’Brien, President and CEO,

Community Solutions


Barrett Elementary staff and teachers do a great job for students and community

Dear Editor,

While I was reading, with interest, the Times article that mentioned that the API scores at Barrett Elementary have slipped, it became crystal clear to me that test scores cannot begin to tell the whole story.

Every time I step foot on the Barrett campus, I am struck by the sheer number of positive interactions that I witness. When a group of teachers sees a student after school, they stop and talk to the student, making it clear that they genuinely value that child.  

Teachers from across many grades cooperate and collaborate. If you ask a fifth grade teacher what the thrust is in second grade math this year, they can readily tell you. Friendly office personnel greet students by name.

When Principal Moira Barker offered to let AIM Morgan Hill Math program use the Barrett campus, I was concerned that she would not be able to find eight teachers willing to let us use their classrooms. Instead of being territorial, they welcomed us. They loved the idea that Barrett would be part of this enrichment program, which benefited all Morgan Hill students, even if they were personally inconvenienced.  Several Barrett teachers even became coaches in the program.   

Last, but not least, it is clear that there is a deep mutual respect between Principal Barker and her staff.

I am sure that the students at Barrett Elementary School will continue to reap the benefits of a strong education in a nurturing environment long after they leave the halls of this neighborhood gem!

Lori Mains, AIM Morgan Hill,

Math program director

Art? Hardly, just a twisted depiction of the president

Dear Editor,

When I first saw the picture of the watermelon, ears and noose my first impression was that it is likely a singular incident from a fringe element. Then I read Mr. Brusa’s letter of support, and I became concerned that perhaps others are also in support and for that I can no longer be silent.

The depiction of the president of the United States and a noose cannot be defended. It is not art work as Mr. Brusa letter states as art is not its intent. Its message cannot be supported by our American values, our Constitution or our Bill of Rights. Mr. Lebeck has the right to speak by whatever media he chooses and for that he is protected. But we have the right and more importantly the moral obligation to speak out in an outrage because it harbors that which threatens all of us.

The depiction supports hate which can foster into criminal acts including attacks on citizens, property, children, men and women.It represents the worst of mankind. Our history books and our grave yards are filled with undeniable proof of persecution because of race, creed, color, religion, national origin, ancestry, sex, etc.   

Mark Grzan, Morgan Hill

Someone should explain the ‘birds and bees’ to the media

Dear Editor,

We just had a big election and we have the looming issues of the fiscal cliff, creating jobs, immigration reform, an the Republican civil war. But what is the news media obsessed with? They can’t stop talking about a sex scandal.

It’s like oh my God! A powerful 60-plus year old man cheats on his wife with with a pretty woman in her 30s. Maybe someone should explain “the birds and the bees” to the news media. Why is this news? They did their investigation. Nothing happened that affected national security. No laws were broken. 

The reason the president and Sen. Feinstein weren’t informed is because there was nothing to tell. This was even leaked to Republican leaders before the election and it was so uninteresting that the Republicans didn’t use it. So please – stop it. To the news media – grow up – there’s news out there to report. Do your jobs.

Marc Perkel, Gilroy

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