music in the park, psychedelic furs

Impressive performance by all the hard workers who make our Garlic Fest best
Dear Editor,
I want to thank all of the supporters of the Gilroy Garlic Festival – each of you for your generous support and hard work in putting on a wonderful community experience.
My husband and I have volunteered many times for the festival, and I was a past finalist in the 1998 Cook-off, so our experiences never really put the whole thing together as a unit. This time we were participants and saw the big picture and were truly overwhelmed with the amount of work and effort that goes into putting on this grand affair.
I want to commend you for the transportation buses at the parking lot, the tents to sit under in the hot sun, the dirt roads you constructed, the porta-potties you placed all over, the cooking crew of Gourmet Alley (I know how hard that job is – we have been there), the musical talent you selected and the great Friday cooking competition between San Jose State, (my alma mater), UC Berkeley (my husband’s alma mater) and Fresno State.
I was also impressed with the number of vendors with quality items for sale, including my ceramic teacher Jane Rekedal’s works, the judges of today’s competition who enjoyed a great meal, the free garlic ice cream and garlic braiding contests and even the rock climbing addition. It gets better every year and I just want to say thanks for the memory which goes back to our first encounter some 35 years ago with the great barn dance at Christopher Ranch and the festival’s first year. Congratulations on the planning, organization, and efforts to all of the volunteers for a job well done.
Aileene Edsinger, Gilroy
Mayor advocates for many wasteful transit agencies that burden the taxpayers
Dear Editor,
While the Valley Transportation Authority and local government have us on the road to Detroit, via Stockton, Vallejo and insolvency, California taxaholics will drive us into bankruptcy, or out of state, with their lunatic socialist transit, which our mayor, Don Gage, “advocates” for Gilroy according to recent front-page article published in the Gilroy Chamber Newsletter.
As if Lenin had been right. Those who repeat history are doomed to repeat it. It’s USSR all over again, Yogi.
Joseph P. Thompson, Gilroy
Veteran says thanks for the honor and all the donations to Gavilan scholarship fund
Dear Editor,
I want to take this opportunity to thank the American Legion Post 217 for the wonderful recognition that they bestowed on me at the June Anniversary Dinner.
I was deeply touched by the thought that I will have a scholarship at Gavilan College named in my honor – that and the proclamation were very nice gestures. I also want to thank the members volunteers and the officers who worked so hard to put the event together. It was a huge success.
Credit to Commander Bobby Armendariz and Adjutant Ray Sanchez who mobilized the members to get things done. Thanks to the many people who attended and to those who contributed generously to the American Legion Scholarship fund.
Raymond M. Valadez, Past Commander American Legion Post 217, Gilroy
Taking another look at the historical facts surrounding the death of Jesus
Dear Editor,
Rabbi Debbie Israel’s view letter of 6-21-2013, objects to my comments of the Jewish Sanhedrin’s role in the death of Christ.
She writes those comments were “misinformation” and denied the Jewish Sanhedrin had any role in Jesus’ death. She said Roman Governor Pontius Pilate, solely bears the blame because he ordered it to be done.
Rabbi Israel said, “Statements like the ones in his (Langdon’s) opinion piece have been the historical causes of much anti-Semitism throughout the ages” … including Jewish persecution of the Russian pogroms.
Now, “The rest of the historical story” omitted from Rabbi Israel’s view.
Pontius Pilate, as a Roman-occupier governor over Israel was under extreme pressure from the emperor, because of continuing unrest. Politically, Pilate was subject to immediate removal if he couldn’t “keep the peace.”
Although under Roman occupation, Israel was allowed self-theocratic rule (by the Sanhedrin) but did not possess the authority to execute criminals. The Sanhedrin leaders were fully aware of the political conditions regarding Pilate’s pressure to avoid troubles in Israel.
Because of the intense pressure by Jewish leaders and the multitude to put Jesus to death for blasphemy, Pilate relented, giving them their wish in order to pacify them, avoiding a riot and risk of his removal. He washed his hands, saying, “I am innocent of this man’s blood; see to that yourselves.” Pilate subsequently released Barabbas, the criminal, and delivered Jesus to be crucified.
Yes, as Rabbi Israel said, Pilate legally ordered Jesus’ crucifixion, but the high priest Caiaphas and the ruling Sanhedrin of Jesus’ day clearly had a roll in it. These things are recorded in the New Testament and are not “misinformation.” See: Matthew 26:62-65; Mark 27-19 – New Testament).
There are four people who play a role in Jesus’ death: 1. God (“For God so loved the world, He gave His only begotten Son”). 2. The Sanhedrin. 3. Pilate). 4. All of fallen humanity (because Jesus died to cover their sins).
Rabbi Israel suggested I temper comments which could result in feelings of ill will, by quoting Tevye (Fiddler on the Roof): “As it says in the Good Book, ‘You shall not spread a false report’ (Exodus 23:1).” Perhaps the well intending rabbi might care to reconsider her words about falsely reporting “misinformation” in the role of the Jewish leaders of Jesus’ day.
Finally, Rabbi Israel is correct about people holding prejudices and hatred which have resulted in brutal persecutions against Jews. I deeply share her concern and compassionately love all Jewish people. I have not lost sight of the fact that Jews are called “God’s chosen people” in the Bible … may they receive their Messiah when He returns.
Jim Langdon, Gilroy
Another success story from the Garlic City Fun Run
Dear Editor,
Front page Dispatch, July 19, covered the annual Garlic City Fun Run event and winners of the car show.
Another winner, not mentioned, is Operation Interdependence (OI), a 501(c)3 organization that received 100% of the proceeds from the raffle tickets sold. Wonderful prizes were donated by many businesses and people in our community, but I have to recognize one businessman in particular.
David Miller, general manager from Gilroy Chevy/Cadillac, was not only kind enough to donate 6 free oil changes, but was extremely generous cutting a check for $250 to cover what was won by the 50/50 raffle winner. Kudos, David!! And, thank you to all who purchased raffle tickets to help our volunteers continue to ship “goodies” to our troops in Afghanistan.
Susan Mister, Gilroy

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