The following organizations and individuals deserve either
CHEERS or JEERS this week:
CHEERS: For the community minded people who have banded together
to champion an endowment fund that will help pay for the operation
of the coming Gilroy Center for the Arts.
The following organizations and individuals deserve either CHEERS or JEERS this week:
CHEERS: For the community minded people who have banded together to champion an endowment fund that will help pay for the operation of the coming Gilroy Center for the Arts. Donna Pray and Sherri Stuart have been front and center in this outstanding effort – a first of its kind in Gilroy. There are price tags for the naming rights to various parts of the building. The rights to name the theater in perpetuity, for example, would be $1,125,000. The dressing room for the stars would be $15,000. There are generous families in Gilroy who understand the importance of the arts and, with the dedication of the committee behind this effort, success is almost a given. The group plans to raise $3 million in 18 months. If you would consider a gift to Gilroy that will last for generations, contact Sherri at 848-1449.
JEERS: For Santa Clara County which has delayed for more than a year a promised extensive review of the Williamson Act policy. The delay turned into chaos last week as the Board of Supervisors essentially was poised to adopt a new policy without that promised review by denying two Williamson Act applications. People under Williamson Act status deserve a full review, and the ground rules need to be clear with everyone.
CHEERS: For Robert “The Ghost” Guerrero who dominated his opponent in the NABF featherweight world title fight Thursday night. Guerrero has been taking his training seriously and it’s clear he’s dedicated to the sport and to representing Gilroy. “I can’t wait to smell that garlic,” he said after his fight. “Whenever I smell that, I know I’m home.”
JEERS: For the Valley Transportation Authority’s continuing pursuit of BART-to-San-Jose. San Jose Mayor Ron Gonzales is more concerned about empire building than using tax money wisely.
CHEERS: For the news that the school district is thinking about moving its administrative offices. Now would be a good time to look at the possibilities. And it might be wise to look at what’s around the current location and see if a combination new high school/district office complex would make sense.