Dear Editor:
I owe many thanks to Gary Baughn for his June 1 letter to the
Dear Editor:

I owe many thanks to Gary Baughn for his June 1 letter to the editor. He brought to my attention Rep. Sam Farr’s HR 4262 regarding amnesty for illegal aliens, guest work program and family reunification provisions. I was previously unaware of this House Resolution in the works. I am excited about the possibility this could bring some basic dignity to our fellow human beings that are so important to our economy.

I can only guess as to why we, as Americans, make a superficial effort to keep Mexicans on “their side” of the border. They fill many important agriculture and domestic jobs (among other things). Say an illegal alien is stopped by a policeman for bad registration or speeding. They are given a ticket, dealt with in court like us “legals,” given fines, payment plans and community service. They are not deported, even when brought to the attention of the courts. Why?

I would only be guessing, but I think the “illegals” are too important to our local economy, so there is some unspoken understanding between law enforcement and the world at large. They are left in place by our police and courts to do the jobs you and I would not wish to do. They buy cars, pay for gas and often work from sun-up to sunset in some really awful conditions imposed upon them by those of us who can afford our own homes and buy a new car every now and then. They risk death, rape and robbery to cross the border illegally, at a cost to them of around $4,000 per attempt, all for the honor of picking your strawberries and processing your garlic.

Please let’s be kind to them. They are not here to collect welfare. The illegals I know are here to be with their children or family (who ARE citizens) and they work much harder than the white kids I grew up with 40-plus years ago.

Supporting any bill or resolution that offers them the ability to work legally (and therefore pay taxes) or be reunified with their family has to be a good thing. This isn’t a “reward,” as Mr. Baughn states. It’s the recognition that basic human rights should be offered to all, not just to those who are lucky enough to be born within certain political borders.

It does not escape my notice that it wasn’t all that long ago, in the great scheme of things, that California did not belong to white people … Just how arrogant are we?

I urge all of us to support Rep. Sam Farr’s efforts to get HR 4262 passed.

Laurie Ann Weber, Gilroy

Submitted Friday, June 4 to [email protected]

The Golden Quill is awarded occasionally for a well-written letter.

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