Dear Editor,
Remember when the families (and the far left) demeaned the role
of housewife and demanded that women join the workforce? Remember
when they shouted


and encouraged


to raise children without a father?
Dear Editor,

Remember when the families (and the far left) demeaned the role of housewife and demanded that women join the workforce? Remember when they shouted “independence” and encouraged “womyn” to raise children without a father? I remember the propaganda widespread over the liberal media, such as the 1975-1984 TV series “One Day At A Time,” which was one of many to glorify single motherhood.

What did this cause? Both parents HAVE to work. Corporate America loved it almost as much as the current fad of exporting jobs to China (helped by Bill Clinton making them a most favored nation); they could get away with paying the average worker half. The lack of parental supervision in the afternoon led the previously unseen youth crime rates and tribalism (gangs). The list goes on.

One bastard generation later, the scientific data finally became available to support what we knew all along: That the best situation for kids is to have a father and a mother, with one at-home parent.

Our civilization was built on marriage as we know it; today’s socialist, leftist ilk is out to destroy said institution with another social experiment: They are demanding it be expanded to homosexuals.

Will we fight and stop this now that we know it’s wrong, learning from our mistakes, or will we roll over for fear of their name-calling and ruin another generation?

Alan Viarengo, Gilroy

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