This is the first year that my entire family is volunteering to
work at the Garlic Festival. The Apuzzo family will log at least 42
hours this year for five different organizations. We are all hoping
that the hot weather breaks. Bring on that new pesto pasta!
This is the first year that my entire family is volunteering to work at the Garlic Festival. The Apuzzo family will log at least 42 hours this year for five different organizations. We are all hoping that the hot weather breaks. Bring on that new pesto pasta!

* * *

Every once in a while, some previously anonymous person will become a frequent contributor of letters to the editor published in The Dispatch.

Both Wayne Scott and David Kaeini have written a spate of letters recently. Wayne Scott is a Gilroy High math teacher, and he writes about his take on teaching, statistics, Cynthia Walker and teachers salaries. He contributes to the battle between divergent educational philosophies which fill these pages.

Even though I may not always agree with his stance, it is informative reading. An additional bonus is that a number of Mr. Scott’s students have also jumped into the fray to write about math class. The student letters run the gamut from enlightening to frightening. Either way, I always enjoy reading these letters from the trenches.

David Kaeini is an altogether different subject. In the past month he has shown a quick ramp up in exhibiting the poor argument skills of the local religious zealots we have come to know over the years on these pages. It isn’t enough to simply not want to see “Fahrenheit 9/11” or be morally opposed to abortion.

When an adult (and I assume he is an adult ever since he made reference to having a 10-year-old son) resorts to calling people names like “Michael Mooron,” little red flags go up for us all to see. I am not going to praise to movie, because I haven’t seen it. For all I know, it could be propaganda. I have both enjoyed and been disturbed by Mr. Moore’s previous work. Kaeini, though, exhibits the epitome of laziness by slamming a film he hasn’t seen. Reading negative reviews of the film doesn’t qualify him to comment.

On the subject of abortion, he is just as predictably clueless. Being opposed to the views of Dennis Taylor is blasé, get in line. A tip for letter writers everywhere: before hitting the “send” button on your computer, read what you wrote. Had he done this, Mr. Kaeini would have realized that the phrase “stupid nonsense stuff about scientific this and that” doesn’t conjure up for readers the vision of an intelligent adult. He chastises Dennis Taylor for supporting “methods to kill a life and prevent it completely from taking place.” Excuse me? Did Mr. Kaeini really need to go public with his position against the sale of spermicides, condoms and birth control pills? Contraceptives are intended to keep a pregnancy from occurring. That is the aim of every contraceptive method, including “natural family planning.” As responsible citizens of an already crowded planet, women have the right to insure that they are planning their pregnancies and planning to avoid pregnancies when necessary.

Is Mr. Kaeini comfortable with the suggestion that pregnancy prevention is outside the mainstream? Big red flag rising.

Since “God Himself” gave Mr. Kaeini the truth “Thou Shalt Not Kill” perhaps our paths might cross at an anti-death penalty rally, although I highly doubt it. His pro-life agenda seems limited to making sure that potential-life in the womb meets no obstacles. For the record, I am opposed to abortion. I resist the pro-life movement precisely because of people like David Kaeini. I know that many people in the pro-life movement are “pro-life in the womb” and it ends right there for them.

But I hold out a slim reed of hope. In his latest letter, he responds to someone who used the term “parasite” for embryo. Mr. Kaeini writes “By the way, the only parasite that I see is the ones that destroy lives and or stand for destruction of lives.”

Reading this statement made me realize that he couldn’t possibly support our current president, as recent forays into Afghanistan and Iraq are responsible for the destruction of countless actual lives (and some embryos too no doubt).

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