Dear Editor,
No matter how one reads it, Jane Howard’s discussion of GUSD
school construction finances in relation to Measure I is just
another shuck-and-jive.
Dear Editor,
No matter how one reads it, Jane Howard’s discussion of GUSD school construction finances in relation to Measure I is just another shuck-and-jive.
After describing four projects underway she says she’s “chair of the GUSD Citizen Oversight Committee … formed in Feb. 2003 … to review the school district’s use of Measure I funds.”
Where is authorization in state law for GUSD to “request” the Measure I COC to review anything other than Measure I funds?
Says Steve Brinkman, GUSD assistant superintendent for administrative services: “We (GUSD) now have 13 active projects the Citizens Oversight Committee oversees. These involve approximately $170 million.” How, Jane Howard, did Measure I COC become overseer of 13 projects, under direction of GUSD, rather than an independent COC?
How convenient to avoid Measure I accountability!
James Brescoll, Gilroy